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Heartthrob of Kittiwake

Born 496 (age 25)
Sex Male
Race Half-Orc
Last Seen Kittiwake's Edge

Curg is the nephew of Mugdul, the owner of the famous Mug's Tavern in Kittiwake's Edge. Curg serves as Mug's assistant and often makes his way to Trabem to pick up large amounts of tradegoods.

Recent Events

Sleeping Giants

Curg was present at Trabem when Stratton Traushaft Pipsquanchy and Elaina Nile arrived. As luck would have it, Stratton used Lyla Hellebore as his disguise while in town, and Curg noticed her. He struck up a flirtatious conversation which Stratton had no choice but to go along with.[1]

Curg was part of the audience at the unveiling of Lyla's statue. He was shirtless and glistening in the sunlight, and gave Lyla a flirtatious wink as she made her way through the crowd.[2]


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