James Madsen

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James Madsen

James madsen.jpg

Jimmy No-Hands

Born 487 (age 34)
Sex Male
Race Human
Class Wizard
Last Seen Hell

James Madsen is a necromancer with no hands, best known for performing unsanctioned arcane research underneath Skyhammer. During the events of Sleeping Giants, the Risen were hired by Skyhammer to root out James and put a stop to his shenanigans.

Early Life

James used to be a member of Skyhammer itself. When he was young, he was caught stealing from the church in order to feed his starving family. Jordan Steingard was selected to dole out his punishment, and chose to smash both of his hands.

Recent Events

Sleeping Giants

During the mission that the Risen received from Skyhammer, they discovered that James was behind all of the "Shar cult" activity surrounding and underneath Skyhammer. He was performing research on Arcane Bridges, but the extent of his research remained unanswered, as Jordan immediately took James into custody without permitting his companions to interrogate him.[1]

Later, when Jordan was receiving visions from Uljas Jokela, he saw James being freed from captivity in a plain somewhere, by a being that he was pretty sure was his old companion Athanatos.[2]

When The Second Wish was uttered, James was attending a meeting in Hell. He was thus trapped there, seemingly permanently.[3]


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