Kerowyn Hucrele

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Kerowyn Hucrele

Kerowyn hucrele.jpg

General Merchant of Oakhurst

Born 470 (age 51)
Sex Female
Race Human
Last Seen Oakhurst

Kerowyn Hucrele is the owner of the General Merchant in Oakhurst, and is one of (if not the) wealthiest people in the village. She was also the mother of Talgen and Sharwyn Hucrele, brother and sister who ventured into the Sunken Citadel with Elliot Hellebore, who were later found dead.

Recent Events

Sleeping Giants

After the Risen arrived back at Oakhurst for a break from adventuring in the Sunless Citadel, Athanatos approached Kerowyn and asked for poisons on the cheap. Kerowyn declined, and Athanatos informed her that her children were dead. Fortunately, Elaina Nile and Ford Bertrom were not far behind to inform her that the investigation was still ongoing, and the fate of Kerowyn's children was still unknown.[1]

After concluding their business in the Sunless Citadel, the party sent Ford to Kerowyn to tell her that, in fact, her children were dead. However, they died as heroes. Ford also gave her all of the children's remaining belongings. Kerowyn, now distraught, thanked Ford for his service and paid him in full.[2]

Weeks later, while passing through, Elaina found Kerowyn at the small cemetery outside of the Sunless Citadel. Kerowyn was mourning her children at the time, and Elaina paid her respects, calling the children heroes, and used some magic to pretty up the gravestones. Kerowyn thanked her again for her service and for all she had done for Oakhurst.[3]

After the Risen passed through Oakhurst and then went on to save the world, Oakhurst became a huge tourist attraction. Lady Hucrele's store saw a boom of business, with more people coming in daily than used to shop there in a whole month.[4]


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