Sleeping Giants Game 18

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Jordan's Ascension

“And Thalos asked unto Virgil, ‘What is the madness in the minds of these drowning souls?’ And Virgil replied, ‘they are those wretched who drank from the waters of Life in Heaven and turned their backs on Erathis on the eve of the Angelic Rebellion. They are damned to tumble in these waters, forever drowning.’

“A sinful soul reached its hand from the crimson fire of Styx and grasped the thigh of Thalos, who rebuked the wretched fingers with a strike of his Hammer of Gold.”

Behind you, several dozen church officials and fellow acolytes have gathered in the nave and transepts of the Church of Skyhammer. A smaller chapel might be overflowing, but in the massive cathedral there is easily room for hundreds more. It’s nearly high noon, and the sunbeams shining through the windows bounce off the marble and gold of the interior to fill the entire church with light.

You remain kneeling, and standing before you is your father, the recently appointed High Priest of Skyhammer. He is leading the ceremony of your ascension to deaconship.

“Much like the unholy souls of the River Styx, there are many in this world that would reach up and attempt to desecrate the good land of Dormia. And much like Thalos himself, we must never hesitate to rebuke them swiftly, lest they gain purchase.

“In witness of all present, and the ever-present Lord Thalos himself, I hereby recognize Jordan Steingard for excellence in assisting with the abolishment of evil from this land. He has made the world safer, and more importantly, carried on Thalos’ legacy through his gallant deeds. Because of his latest efforts in rescuing an esteemed member of the Church, and subsequently laying low an evil caretaker of the dark arts, I do hereby declare that, though he knelt as a simple Acolyte, he rises now as Deacon Jordan Steingard.”

The mammoth tapestry directly behind the altar makes a sudden movement in the wind, as though Thalos himself is breathing his blessings into the hall. As is customary, you rise, bow to the High Priest, then to the crowd, before making your way through the gathered crowd to the other end of the Great Hall.