Sleeping Giants Game 44

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Portals into the Past

You step through the portal that connects Fort Eaveton to the strange lava room, and almost immediately the large room grows dark. The central pillar of lava slows to a crawl before stopping completely. All of the color is drained from the world around you, and your companions are completely frozen in time. The strange portals leading out of this room, however, are still moving. They are the only color remaining, and now emit a dark purple glow. They are practically beckoning for you to approach them.

First, you approach the white portal to your left. Through the magical circle, a vision forms. You see a wide open desert along a coast. A massive army clashes with a much smaller one, steel clashing with steel and explosions frozen in time. Amidst the chaos is a giant red dragon, roaring into the sky. A human man clad in armor has just pierced the dragon’s chest with a longsword.

You then move to the green portal, across from the original portal you entered through. Another vision forms. You see a long stretch of beach, and far out over the water are two dragons flying. One of them is much larger than the other, yet they are both fearsome in their own right. They are frozen mid-air, but you can tell their flight is one of joy. Further inland, standing at the edge of a plateau overlooking the beach, is a small group of humans wearing similar garb. They are all silently watching the dragons, terrified.

Lastly, you come to the red portal. Through it, you see a large, circular room built of stone and ringed with pillars. In the center of the room is a huge mound of gold, silver, and electrum all intermixed. Atop the treasure mound sleeps a giant dragon. Thought it is currently drained of color, you recognize its features as a red dragon. Situated next to it, embedded in the pile of treasure and mostly concealed, is a large scaled dragon egg.

You step back from the red portal, and life returns to the room around you.