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[[Elaina Nile|Nil]] officially assumes control of the remaining kobolds. The heroes find [[Erki Timbers]] locked in a cage and release her, only to find that her memory has been altered in some manner and she believes she is here to defeat [[Belak]]. The heroes then defeat [[Dern]], the leader of the [[Durbuluk]] goblin tribe.
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The name echoes throughout the room, and with that the ceremony draws to a close. You did use your moniker for a long while, but – for reasons you already know and need not recall – you have since reverted back to your original name. Likely for good.
The name echoes throughout the room, and with that the ceremony draws to a close. You did use your moniker for a long while, but – for reasons you already know and need not recall – you have since reverted back to your original name. Likely for good.
Recap notes, by Laura
"DAY 3 ~6:00 AM"
* Health: 17; Spells: 0; B.Insp: 0
* OPENS: ANA - 9/13/507 - Memory of Induction Ceremony
** Attendants: Ana & Monks of the Order
** Gift Received: Small Needle (unable to be bent)
** Moniker Given: "KERAS" (time taken to decide)
* Nil and room ful of kobolds (21 in #, not a threat)
* Addresses them in Draconic - She tells them that their Queen is no longer alive - she fell in battle to us. Several kobolds turn to an older looking one.
* The older kobold is confused..
* Nil tells him that they work for her now and asks/orders that they swear their fealty to her
* Jordan asks what Nil is saying? Nil tells him
* Nil asks for 2 kobolds to guard the entrance so we can go and kill all of the goblins
* Kobold: Which entrance? Nil: How many are there? Kobold: Four?
* Kobold told to place one kobold at each entrance to inform Nil if anyone passes through them
* Nil: Supplies? Kobold: Not really any supplies
* Some bandages taken from the kobolds
* Nil tells kobolds to treat the rest of the group with respect
* The group enters into the room to take a rest. The kobolds seem wary, but willing - not aggressive
* Four kobolds leave to guard entrances
** Uneventful. Song of Rest played, but unused by Stratton
** Nil investigates scroll - Scroll of Mage Armor
** Lyla investigates scroll - Scroll of Knock
** Ford - Feather - A non-magical oak tree will sprout when feather is touched to the ground - 6 feet tall, 5' diameter and branches spread out to 30'!
** Nil gives scroll to Ana (because she has no armor)
*** But it's not able to be used... so Nil takes it back
* Nil gives a kobold the OSIS card
* Ana takes out needle - it points directly down in this room (large room). Ana asks the oldest kobold how to get there? He says that that is the Underdark - they don't go there - too scary. He says the entrance is via a crack in one of the walls
* Ana warns the older kobold to be wary of Calcryx
* Nil gives eldest kobold a trinket - one of the peridot dragon carvings
* In short rest, Lyla was reading - she attempted to teach the "children" something
* In a separate room, 4 goblins (prisoners of war) are found chained up
* Jordan walks in, Stratton accompanies
* Jordan punches one in the face - 4 damage
* Asks who leads them?
* Goblins lead by Dern
* Where? In the base
* Nil joins
* Stratton asks how mayn there? 30 or 40
* Ana - how many are hobgoblins? 3/4? (already dead)
* Jordan: Do you go to the Underdark?
* Goblin: We don't. "Ballsag" does...
* "Ballsag" is downstairs; Dern is upstairs
* Ballsag brings them food from the Underdark
* Ana: How many entrances to their base?
* Goblin: 2/3 - none unmarked, unless the ones where the ghosts are? They don't go there...
* Nil lights one of the goblins on fire, essentially murdering it
* Threatens the Goblin we've been talking to
* Jordan, Nil, Stratton leave
* Ana asks if the Goblin wants to be a guide? Then forces one along as a guide anyway. Key to unlock goblin gotten from Nil. Noose tied around goblin's neck by Ana. Threatens him for compliance.
* Group decides to go after the Goblins - go after Dern
* Before going off, check one remaining door in the hall - Goblin (Stork) asked what's behind it? Stork says it's Goblin-ville. This is the door they had barricaded from the dragon sounds.
* Nil tells Ford to collect some caltrops.
* Lyla is recruited to do this too - Lyla uses Mage Hand - collects them into a bag. Gets 20' of caltrops.
* Runs into a hobgoblin & 2 other goblins. Is accompanied by Nil.
* Lyla finishes off the hobgoblin and one of the goblins
* The remaining goblin runs away - runs into hallway to find Stratton and Jordan who were on their way to help the battle
* Stratton finishes it off with an additional arrow
* Jordan, Stratton meet back up with Nil and Lyla post battle.
--- Break in action ---
* Ford - Stealths on teh way into Goblinville.
** Rolled NAT 20!
* Down a hallway that ends in a doorway that looks like it will enter to a circular room (by wall slants). Another door on the left - general commotion heard through this door. Ford listens at door to circular room. Then loud thunderous boom sounds (Nil's Thunderwave from above battle) and Ford then hears motion beyond this door.
* No additional action following commotion - doors don't open. Ford sees a violet light from under the door.
* Listens at door again -> ROLLS ANOTHER NAT 20 <-
* Ford walks back until he's in range to message Nil to tell her. Ford asks what Nil knows about 'Purple Fire'?
* Ana hears the big thunder clap and gradually moves to the same area as the others
* Nil doesn't have any information about Purple Fire
* Ana catches up with rest of the group (sans Ford)
* The purpose of coming to this room - collect caltrops and investigate the remaining door
* Stratton and Jordan go to door - no traps? Nothing heard? Door locked, Jordan tries to kick it in... he does on 2nd attempt
* 30' x 20' room revealed - squalor
* Large iron spike near door and iron cage in back
* Skeletons in chains on wall. 3 kobolds in chains on wall. Small creature in cage
* Jordan enters and casts Divine Sense - nothing is undead
* Jordan, Stratton, Ana go to investigate cage
* Inside cage: Small female gnome!
* Jordan asks: "Erki Timbers?" She answers "Yes"
* Jordan tries to release her by wrenching open the iron bars. He's eventually successful.
* Stratton introduces himself and gives her one of his rations
* How long has she been here? Erki - a couple of months. Captured by Goblins
* Jordan asks her what she knows
* Stratton puts his cloak on her
* Erki sees Jordan's crest and knows he's from Skyhammer
* Stratton asks Erki for info on Bellock & Dern
* Erki states that Dern went in there to question her. Dern mentioned Bellock's name. Erki doesn't want to leave before Bellock is taken care of - sent on a mission from Skyhammer to kill off some evil - won't leave until this is done
* Erki's memory is bad - only remembers last few months - knows she was sent to deal with an evil - thinks it must be Bellock, but doesn't remember
* Erki states she needs her things - says the Goblins took them - Stratton offers to help her get them back. Then she can heal herself
* Erki states she was taken from above ground and taken directly here by the Durbuluk Tribe. Doesn't know any layout of the area the group is in now.
* Jordan gives Erki his shield
* Erki hasn't seen/doesn't know anything about missing humans
* Nil frees the 3 chained up kobolds
* Nil and Lyla take caltrops (4 bags - 5 ft^2 each of caltrops)
** Lyla = 3 bags
** Stratton = 1 bag
* Erki doesn't want to go rest, wants to continue on to kill goblins!
* Ford returns to the group and meets Erki
* Ford stated there were 2 doors - goblins behind both. Purple fire? Not sure what that means...
* Go back and set an alarm and caltrops at the door left that the goblins had barricaded after hearing the dragon sounds
* This is before heading down towards the "Goblinville Hallway"
* We caltrop the door to the left, not the round door with purple fire
* OPEN DOOR - 40 ft round chamber with circular shaft (like a deep well, vines in it emitting purplish light), crude stone throne, large iron chest as footstool, a sapling is in a pot next to the throne (Apple tree?)
* Creatures inside - 2 hobgoblins (normal) and one superior hobgoblin - better/more armor with a crest and a better sword with black veins in it. Another goblin is dressed in nice robes across the chamber
* Hobgoblin hears a 'roar' thinks it's Calcryx, and goes to get it, but sees Jordan in the doorway instead - attacks and misses
* Jordan sees the shrub uproot itself and move to the door to stab at Jordan
. . . . .
* Jordan gets hit by Dern's sword - it turns completely black before impact - deals 5 damage - 1 is necrotic!
* Ana punches the sapling (Boop-a-groot cousin) down the shaft!
* Ford magic missiles Dern! 10 damage! Dern becomes Bloodied.
* Stratton attemps Vicious Mockery - "Hey ladies! Are your husbands around? I don't usually like to fight women!" - Unfortunately it doesn't work
* Erki blesses! Jordan, Ana, & Stratton!
* Ana gets an arrow shot at her back, she catches it! And holds on to it for revenge later!
* Lyla poison sprays Dern resulting in Dern attacking back at Jordan (again!) with Blackened Necrotic Sword - resulting in 18 points of regular damage, 1 point (2 total now) of necrotic damage - 19 total!
* Ana critically misses a goblin, uses inspiration to reroll for 19 (hit)
* Ford uses bonus action, disengage to attack Dern with short sword, but misses :( Nil gives him her inspiration -> HITS! 6 damage...
* STRATTON! Vicious Mockery: "Hey Dern! I teabagged your sword earlier! Douche!"
** Bonus Action: Winks at Erki ;)
* Jordan goes down! From radiant damage :(
* Erki - heals Jordan for 10 health!
* One of the hobgoblins attacks Ana - 15 damage! Still up
* Other hobgoblin shoots at Ford - misses
* Ana givess inspiration to Ford - but it doesn't work :(
* STRATTON! Rolls NAT 20! on attack with dagger (on hobgoblin)
** Gets advantage on attacks when Stratton is trying to impress a lady!
* Jordan hits remaining hobgoblin down into the pit, but he catches himself ~ 15' down
** Effectively ending the battle
* Jordan grabs one of the hunks of stone from the throne to heave down at the hobgoblin in the pit! Hit the hobgoblin and kills it!
End of game for the night
* Remaining actions for next game: Search room and bodies
* Search remaining room with goblins in it
* Ford tries to unlock chest - succeeds in disabling trap and then succeeds in unlocking it, with a number of 20+ rolls!
** Chest filled! with gold - 231 gps, 2 onyx gems = 30 gp each
* Stratton searches Dern
* Dern has:
** Long sword (magical) - but needs to be identified
** 1 potion of healing
** 2 vials of anti-toxin
** Gold signet ring and splint armor with symbol of the Talgens (our employer from town). The crest is Hucreal's - it belonged to the son we were trying to find
* Goblin: 2 scrolls, 2 keys (labeled 34 & 37)
* Hobgoblins: Silver earring set with moonstones, 20 sp each; matching necklace worth 50gp
* Dern's longsword is passed from Nil to Ford to Stratton, then taken BY JORDAN from Stratton (unwillingly)
* 38gp + 5sp each - Current totals: SP = 55, GP = 193
* Exp points: 350 XP each = Total: 1800
* Stuff to be split up still
* TIME: 8:00 AM
* Inspiration: NIL, LYLA, STRATTON
* Health: 17/26; Hit Dice: 2/3
* Spells: 0; Bardic Inspiration: 0
P.S. Where we are, location is called "The Sunless Citadel"
[[Category:Sleeping Giants]]
[[Category:Sleeping Giants]]

Latest revision as of 16:51, 16 April 2021

Nil officially assumes control of the remaining kobolds. The heroes find Erki Timbers locked in a cage and release her, only to find that her memory has been altered in some manner and she believes she is here to defeat Belak. The heroes then defeat Dern, the leader of the Durbuluk goblin tribe.


Ana's Induction Ceremony

The day is September 13th, the year 507. It was nearly 6 years ago, but you still remember it like it was yesterday.

You awoke early that morning, much like any other. You preferred to spend as much of your time in the darkness as possible, though you were still expected to join the others at dawn. Today, however, you wouldn’t be training with the others. Nor would you get to spend the day meditating inside, with the curtains drawn. Today, you’d be attending your very own Induction Ceremony.

You were trained well ahead of time so you knew what to expect. The ceremony itself would be completely silent, save for the three gong strikes and the one spoken word from you. Other than yourself, the only people in attendance were Monks of the Order. The white marble of the room made it difficult for you to see at first, and while you quickly adjusted, you still needed to squint ever so slightly the entire time.

Bwong. The first gong strike, and you receive your robes. They are draped over your head by two of the monks, and the bright white fabric stands in stark contrast to your dark skin. On the back of the robes is the intricate embroidery of the mark of the Order. Both monks take a step back, bow to you, and then silently walk to the back of the room.

Bwong. The second gong strike, and you receive your gift. A new monk approaches you, holding both hands forward, one on top of the other, with an unknown object shrouded in golden silk. You take the object from his hands, and it almost feels as if there is nothing at all hiding in the silk. You slowly unwrap it, and reach in to pull out your gift: a small, seemingly mundane needle, that you would later learn is completely unable to be bent.

Bwong. The third, and final, gong strike, and you receive your moniker. Though you have been referred to as Ana during your training, for security purposes – both for yourself and the Order – you would have to shed that name and instead adopt a moniker that the other top-tier students would refer to you as. A monk stands before you, his hands raised as if to help funnel your spoken word to the rest of the room.

You take a deep breath before saying the moniker you spent so much time coming up with. “Keras.”

The name echoes throughout the room, and with that the ceremony draws to a close. You did use your moniker for a long while, but – for reasons you already know and need not recall – you have since reverted back to your original name. Likely for good.


Recap notes, by Laura

"DAY 3 ~6:00 AM"

  • Health: 17; Spells: 0; B.Insp: 0
  • OPENS: ANA - 9/13/507 - Memory of Induction Ceremony
    • Attendants: Ana & Monks of the Order
    • Gift Received: Small Needle (unable to be bent)
    • Moniker Given: "KERAS" (time taken to decide)
  • Nil and room ful of kobolds (21 in #, not a threat)
  • Addresses them in Draconic - She tells them that their Queen is no longer alive - she fell in battle to us. Several kobolds turn to an older looking one.
  • The older kobold is confused..
  • Nil tells him that they work for her now and asks/orders that they swear their fealty to her
  • Jordan asks what Nil is saying? Nil tells him
  • Nil asks for 2 kobolds to guard the entrance so we can go and kill all of the goblins
  • Kobold: Which entrance? Nil: How many are there? Kobold: Four?
  • Kobold told to place one kobold at each entrance to inform Nil if anyone passes through them
  • Nil: Supplies? Kobold: Not really any supplies
  • Some bandages taken from the kobolds
  • Nil tells kobolds to treat the rest of the group with respect
  • The group enters into the room to take a rest. The kobolds seem wary, but willing - not aggressive
  • Four kobolds leave to guard entrances
    • Uneventful. Song of Rest played, but unused by Stratton
    • Nil investigates scroll - Scroll of Mage Armor
    • Lyla investigates scroll - Scroll of Knock
    • Ford - Feather - A non-magical oak tree will sprout when feather is touched to the ground - 6 feet tall, 5' diameter and branches spread out to 30'!
    • Nil gives scroll to Ana (because she has no armor)
      • But it's not able to be used... so Nil takes it back
  • Nil gives a kobold the OSIS card
  • Ana takes out needle - it points directly down in this room (large room). Ana asks the oldest kobold how to get there? He says that that is the Underdark - they don't go there - too scary. He says the entrance is via a crack in one of the walls
  • Ana warns the older kobold to be wary of Calcryx
  • Nil gives eldest kobold a trinket - one of the peridot dragon carvings
  • In short rest, Lyla was reading - she attempted to teach the "children" something
  • In a separate room, 4 goblins (prisoners of war) are found chained up
  • Jordan walks in, Stratton accompanies
  • Jordan punches one in the face - 4 damage
  • Asks who leads them?
  • Goblins lead by Dern
  • Where? In the base
  • Nil joins
  • Stratton asks how mayn there? 30 or 40
  • Ana - how many are hobgoblins? 3/4? (already dead)
  • Jordan: Do you go to the Underdark?
  • Goblin: We don't. "Ballsag" does...
  • "Ballsag" is downstairs; Dern is upstairs
  • Ballsag brings them food from the Underdark
  • Ana: How many entrances to their base?
  • Goblin: 2/3 - none unmarked, unless the ones where the ghosts are? They don't go there...
  • Nil lights one of the goblins on fire, essentially murdering it
  • Threatens the Goblin we've been talking to
  • Jordan, Nil, Stratton leave
  • Ana asks if the Goblin wants to be a guide? Then forces one along as a guide anyway. Key to unlock goblin gotten from Nil. Noose tied around goblin's neck by Ana. Threatens him for compliance.
  • Group decides to go after the Goblins - go after Dern
  • Before going off, check one remaining door in the hall - Goblin (Stork) asked what's behind it? Stork says it's Goblin-ville. This is the door they had barricaded from the dragon sounds.
  • Nil tells Ford to collect some caltrops.
  • Lyla is recruited to do this too - Lyla uses Mage Hand - collects them into a bag. Gets 20' of caltrops.
  • Runs into a hobgoblin & 2 other goblins. Is accompanied by Nil.
  • Lyla finishes off the hobgoblin and one of the goblins
  • The remaining goblin runs away - runs into hallway to find Stratton and Jordan who were on their way to help the battle
  • Stratton finishes it off with an additional arrow
  • Jordan, Stratton meet back up with Nil and Lyla post battle.

--- Break in action ---

  • Ford - Stealths on teh way into Goblinville.
    • Rolled NAT 20!
  • Down a hallway that ends in a doorway that looks like it will enter to a circular room (by wall slants). Another door on the left - general commotion heard through this door. Ford listens at door to circular room. Then loud thunderous boom sounds (Nil's Thunderwave from above battle) and Ford then hears motion beyond this door.
  • No additional action following commotion - doors don't open. Ford sees a violet light from under the door.
  • Listens at door again -> ROLLS ANOTHER NAT 20 <-
  • Ford walks back until he's in range to message Nil to tell her. Ford asks what Nil knows about 'Purple Fire'?
  • Ana hears the big thunder clap and gradually moves to the same area as the others
  • Nil doesn't have any information about Purple Fire
  • Ana catches up with rest of the group (sans Ford)
  • The purpose of coming to this room - collect caltrops and investigate the remaining door
  • Stratton and Jordan go to door - no traps? Nothing heard? Door locked, Jordan tries to kick it in... he does on 2nd attempt
  • 30' x 20' room revealed - squalor
  • Large iron spike near door and iron cage in back
  • Skeletons in chains on wall. 3 kobolds in chains on wall. Small creature in cage
  • Jordan enters and casts Divine Sense - nothing is undead
  • Jordan, Stratton, Ana go to investigate cage
  • Inside cage: Small female gnome!
  • Jordan asks: "Erki Timbers?" She answers "Yes"
  • Jordan tries to release her by wrenching open the iron bars. He's eventually successful.
  • Stratton introduces himself and gives her one of his rations
  • How long has she been here? Erki - a couple of months. Captured by Goblins
  • Jordan asks her what she knows
  • Stratton puts his cloak on her
  • Erki sees Jordan's crest and knows he's from Skyhammer
  • Stratton asks Erki for info on Bellock & Dern
  • Erki states that Dern went in there to question her. Dern mentioned Bellock's name. Erki doesn't want to leave before Bellock is taken care of - sent on a mission from Skyhammer to kill off some evil - won't leave until this is done
  • Erki's memory is bad - only remembers last few months - knows she was sent to deal with an evil - thinks it must be Bellock, but doesn't remember
  • Erki states she needs her things - says the Goblins took them - Stratton offers to help her get them back. Then she can heal herself
  • Erki states she was taken from above ground and taken directly here by the Durbuluk Tribe. Doesn't know any layout of the area the group is in now.
  • Jordan gives Erki his shield
  • Erki hasn't seen/doesn't know anything about missing humans
  • Nil frees the 3 chained up kobolds
  • Nil and Lyla take caltrops (4 bags - 5 ft^2 each of caltrops)
    • Lyla = 3 bags
    • Stratton = 1 bag
  • Erki doesn't want to go rest, wants to continue on to kill goblins!
  • Ford returns to the group and meets Erki
  • Ford stated there were 2 doors - goblins behind both. Purple fire? Not sure what that means...
  • Go back and set an alarm and caltrops at the door left that the goblins had barricaded after hearing the dragon sounds
  • This is before heading down towards the "Goblinville Hallway"
  • We caltrop the door to the left, not the round door with purple fire
  • OPEN DOOR - 40 ft round chamber with circular shaft (like a deep well, vines in it emitting purplish light), crude stone throne, large iron chest as footstool, a sapling is in a pot next to the throne (Apple tree?)
  • Creatures inside - 2 hobgoblins (normal) and one superior hobgoblin - better/more armor with a crest and a better sword with black veins in it. Another goblin is dressed in nice robes across the chamber
  • Hobgoblin hears a 'roar' thinks it's Calcryx, and goes to get it, but sees Jordan in the doorway instead - attacks and misses
  • Jordan sees the shrub uproot itself and move to the door to stab at Jordan

~ FIGHT ENSUES ~ . . . . .


  • Jordan gets hit by Dern's sword - it turns completely black before impact - deals 5 damage - 1 is necrotic!
  • Ana punches the sapling (Boop-a-groot cousin) down the shaft!
  • Ford magic missiles Dern! 10 damage! Dern becomes Bloodied.
  • Stratton attemps Vicious Mockery - "Hey ladies! Are your husbands around? I don't usually like to fight women!" - Unfortunately it doesn't work
  • Erki blesses! Jordan, Ana, & Stratton!
  • Ana gets an arrow shot at her back, she catches it! And holds on to it for revenge later!
  • Lyla poison sprays Dern resulting in Dern attacking back at Jordan (again!) with Blackened Necrotic Sword - resulting in 18 points of regular damage, 1 point (2 total now) of necrotic damage - 19 total!
  • Ana critically misses a goblin, uses inspiration to reroll for 19 (hit)
  • Ford uses bonus action, disengage to attack Dern with short sword, but misses :( Nil gives him her inspiration -> HITS! 6 damage...
  • STRATTON! Vicious Mockery: "Hey Dern! I teabagged your sword earlier! Douche!"
    • KILLS DERN!!
    • Bonus Action: Winks at Erki ;)
  • Jordan goes down! From radiant damage :(
  • Erki - heals Jordan for 10 health!
  • One of the hobgoblins attacks Ana - 15 damage! Still up
  • Other hobgoblin shoots at Ford - misses
  • Ana givess inspiration to Ford - but it doesn't work :(
  • STRATTON! Rolls NAT 20! on attack with dagger (on hobgoblin)
    • Gets advantage on attacks when Stratton is trying to impress a lady!
  • Jordan hits remaining hobgoblin down into the pit, but he catches himself ~ 15' down
    • Effectively ending the battle
  • Jordan grabs one of the hunks of stone from the throne to heave down at the hobgoblin in the pit! Hit the hobgoblin and kills it!

End of game for the night

  • Remaining actions for next game: Search room and bodies
  • Search remaining room with goblins in it
  • Ford tries to unlock chest - succeeds in disabling trap and then succeeds in unlocking it, with a number of 20+ rolls!
    • Chest filled! with gold - 231 gps, 2 onyx gems = 30 gp each
  • Stratton searches Dern
  • Dern has:
    • Long sword (magical) - but needs to be identified
    • 1 potion of healing
    • 2 vials of anti-toxin
    • Gold signet ring and splint armor with symbol of the Talgens (our employer from town). The crest is Hucreal's - it belonged to the son we were trying to find
  • Goblin: 2 scrolls, 2 keys (labeled 34 & 37)
  • Hobgoblins: Silver earring set with moonstones, 20 sp each; matching necklace worth 50gp
  • Dern's longsword is passed from Nil to Ford to Stratton, then taken BY JORDAN from Stratton (unwillingly)
  • 38gp + 5sp each - Current totals: SP = 55, GP = 193
  • Exp points: 350 XP each = Total: 1800
  • Stuff to be split up still
  • TIME: 8:00 AM
  • Inspiration: NIL, LYLA, STRATTON
  • Health: 17/26; Hit Dice: 2/3
  • Spells: 0; Bardic Inspiration: 0

P.S. Where we are, location is called "The Sunless Citadel"