Elliot Hellebore

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Elliot Hellebore


Lyla Hellebore's Older Brother

Born 494 (age 27)
Sex Male
Race Human
Class Fighter
Last Seen Kittiwake's Edge

Elliot Hellebore is the older brother of Lyla Hellebore, one of the heroes of Sleeping Giants. Elliot going missing was the catalyst for Lyla's adventuring career.

Early Life

Before Lyla saved the world, Elliot was known as the "Golden Boy" of Kittiwake's Edge. A month before the start of Sleeping Giants, Elliot journeyed west to investigate a problem along the usual trade route that tourists used. The problem resulted in a significant decline in tourists visiting Kittiwake's Edge.

Recent Events

Sleeping Giants

While defeating Belak and destroying the Gulthias Tree he was tending to, the heroes of the Sleeping Giants were forced to slay the strange, undead form that Elliot had taken on. Soon after, Lyla called upon the power of the Archfey in order to revive him. The Archfey informed her that resurrection did not come cheap, however, and that it would ask for a favor in the future.[1] Upon discovering the manner of Elliot's resurrection, Jordan Steingard nearly killed the man, claiming that he was an abomination brought back from some unknown power. Elaina Nile was able to talk him down. Jordan insisted that Elliot and Lyla both accompany him to Skyhammer, for processing.[2]

Right before the party embarked on the "Hands-On Approach" mission, Elliot left their side to retun home to Kittiwake's Edge.[3]

When Lyla returned home to Kittiwake's Edge, she ran into Elliot on the way to her house. He welcomed her home and told her that their mother was looking for her.[4]

When Lyla used the scrying liquid that she took from Uljas Jokela, she saw Elliot helping an elderly lady carry her groceries home at 11:00 at night.[5]

While strolling through Kittiwake's Edge, Lyla, Nil and Horatio ran into Elliot. He was dressed as a Steel Soldier and attempted to intimidate them at first, but quickly removed his helmet and informed them that he was just joking around. He was given the suit of armor by Mitlargo Thistlehouse, in the event that Kittiwake's Edge should come under attack for any reason.[6]

Elliot watched with pride as his younger sister received the greatest honor that Kittiwake's Edge has ever bestowed on someone - a statue in her name.[7]


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