Sleeping Giants

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Sleeping Giants was the first campaign in the world of Orbis. It followed 5 heroes: Elaina Nile, Ford Bertrom, Jordan Steingard, Lyla Hellebore, and Stratton Traushaft Pipsquanchy. A sixth hero, Athanatos, began as a hero but eventually split from the group to pursue her own interests.

Throughout the course of the campaign, the heroes discovered that a group called The Mages was funneling abjuration magic in order to protect the world from multiple Tarrasques awakening, by means of The Call. The method of arcane funneling fell into the hands of the Kingdom of Vesper, who used it to wage war on the Auroran Republic. The war ended almost as soon as it started, when the heroes made the Three Wishes. This ended the war and removed the threat of the Tarrasques all in one fell swoop. A major side effect of the wishes was the Red Empire and Skyhammer emerging as major political factions in the years following the collapse of the Kingdom of Vesper.