Enil Nile

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Enil Nile

Enil nile.jpg

Sorcerer King of Sulta Ixen

Born 473
Died 513 (age 40)
Sex Male
Race Human
Class Sorcerer
Last Seen Trifecta

Enil Nile was the Sultan of the province of Sulta Ixen, father of Empress Elaina Nile, and a bearer of the title Sorcerer King. He ruled Sulta Ixen from the age of 15 until his death during the Battle of the Trifecta in 513 AO, and was partly responsible for sparking the series of conflicts later known as the Upheaval Wars.

Recent Events

Sleeping Giants

Enil received a letter from "his daughter", which he instantly assumed was forged by Skyhammer. He set sail for Aurora immediately, intending to rescue her himself. It turns out, the letter actually was sent by Elaina.[1]

Enil was present at the Battle of the Trifecta, when the Third Wish was uttered. Control over the Arcane returned to the sorcerers, and Enil immediately acted to fight back against Vesper. He rallied his troops, all of whom were powerful sorcerers, and rained fire down upon the Vesperian troops before turning his sights on the Trifecta. The full speech transcript is below:[2]

"Sultans!" Enil yells in Draconic, his voice booming magically. All the sorcerers, surrounding the Vesperian army, turn to look ta him. "For too long, we have suffered under the heel of a foreign invader. Today, we take back what is rightfully ours. For Nileraxxemon!" Flames surround Enil, and blazing orbs of fire start to plummet to the ground from the sky.

Enil was slain in the Battle of the Trifecta by one of the Auroran wizards defending the Trifecta. His death was not in vain, as his army was ultimately victorious.[3]


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