Skyhammer Special Operations Team

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The Skyhammer Special Operations Team (SSOT for short) is a top secret operations team for Skyhammer that undertakes sensitive and time-critical missions for the church.

Each member of the team is given a moniker and trains for years before going on their first mission. The events of Sleeping Giants were partially kicked off by an SSOT mission gone wrong, which resulted in Erki Timbers going missing and Jordan Steingard tasked with finding her.

Notable Members

The following people are known to have been members of SSOT, past or present.

Person Alias Role Status
Athanatos "Keras" Assassin In Hell
Maximilian Steingard "Shield" Leader In Hell
Erki Timbers "Heels" Healer In Hell
Simon Range "Feathers" Arcane Expert Deceased
Harold Gardner "Wolf" Scout Current Member
Alice Wagner "Eyes" Overseer Current Member

Ambush of the Shadow

Before the events of Sleeping Giants, the current members of the SSOT went on a mission that ended up being a trap.

In the year 512, some Skyhammer scouts reported a powerful fiendish presence near the town of Oakhurst, and the SSOT was dispatched to locate and erase it. Unbeknownst to the SSOT, however, the fiendish presence was a trap set by The Shadow itself, to retrieve Athanatos back from their clutches.

The trap that was sprung involved a powerful Shadow being placed near the Sunless Citadel. When the group got close, the Shadow retrieved Athanatos and caused an explosion of dark energy. Unfortunately for the Shadow, it miscalulated the positions of the opposing force, and was only able to capture Athanatos and Erki. Because Erki was not inherently a shadow creature, she was expelled nearby and her memory for the past several years was completely erased. It was a traumatic experience for her. Because of the memory loss, Erki was almost stunned when she came to, and shortly thereafter captured by the Durbuluk tribe.