Hessaerra Caskhead

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Hessaerra Caskhead

Hessaerra caskhead.jpg

Warden of Fort Eaveton

Born 427 (age 94)
Sex Female
Race Dwarf
Last Seen Fort Eaveton

Hessaerra Caskhead is the current Warden of Fort Eaveton.

Early Life

Hessaerra is a member of the Caskhead Clan of Dwarves, a clan which dates back centuries and even before recorded history. The Caskheads have always been known for their fine craftsmanship, and are primarily located in Mount Magnus where they currently serve as one of the premiere blacksmiths in the region. Hessaerra never participated in any kind of crafts, however.

Recent Events

Sleeping Giants

While disguised as a Steel Soldier and escorting the new 'prisoner' Ford Bertrom, Jordan Steingard encountered Hessaerra briefly. She double-checked Ford's paperwork, signed off on it, and then instructed Jordan to escort the prisoner into the basement where the jailor would take over.[1]


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