Leila Hellebore

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Leila Hellebore

Leila hellebore.jpg

Lyla Hellebore's Mother

Born 478 (age 43)
Sex Female
Race Human
Last Seen Kittiwake's Edge

Leila Hellebore is Lyla Hellebore's mother. She is best known for looking for her daughter any time she is in town.

Early Life

Leila Hellebore was born to Emily Hellebore and Richard Hellebore in Hartfordshire, Aurora. Her life growing up was complicated due to an overbearing, neurotic mother and a workaholic father, who both expected Leila to live in their world of privilege. Leila is a highly talkative, free-spirited woman, a child of the 480's and part of the Cirque deLirium generation. Her parents had her future all planned out and arranged for her to come out to society after her sixteenth birthday, but Leila was always rebellious and resentful of her structured, sheltered and silver spoon upbringing. She became pregnant with Elliot Hellebore and left home shortly after his birth, to create her own, independent life suited to her personality and wishes.

Recent Events

Sleeping Giants

Having been looking for Lyla for at least a few days, Leila finally found her when Lyla showed up back at home. Leila insisted that Lyla stay for dinner to discuss what had been going on and, more importantly, share a cup of coffee with her mother.[1]

Over dinner, Leila drilled Lyla about her adventures and what kind of boys she had met. Lyla insisted that the boys she had met have not been a big deal, and that in fact she had met several men during her journeys as well. As Lyla was excusing herself from the table to go somewhere to study, Leila informed her that some Vesperans had been staying in Kittiwake's Edge lately. They must have planned on staying for quite a while, because they had decided to reside in an entire home rather than inn rooms like regular tourists. Leila noted that there were several of them, and the leader seemed to be a small gnome or halfing that was followed around by some rather large guards clad entirely in jet black armor.[2]

Upon hearing that Lyle was planning to leave town again, Leila was sad and asked that Lyla at least write home every now and then.[3]

After her second resurrection, Lyla appeared in her own bed. Leila was present, and after some back and forth informed Lyla that Michael Winters had a big event planned, and that Lyla should attend immediately. She was thrilled to finally have her daughter back home.[4]


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