Lessli Raizer

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Lessli Raizer

Lessli raizer.jpg

Lil' Boar Inn Owner

Born 489 (age 32)
Sex Female
Race Halfling
Last Seen Oakhurst

Lessli Raizer is the owner and barkeep of the Lil' Boar Inn in Oakhurst.

Recent Events

Sleeping Giants

After returning from the Sunless Citadel to take a quick breather, Elaina Nile informed Lessli about the poor living conditions of the Lil' Boar Inn. Lessli seemed very upset at this feedback.[1]

Having taken Elaina's feedback to heart, Lessli immediately began renovating the inn. She also decided to tear down two of the inn rooms and combine them into a master suite. Wanting to name it in Nil's honor, Lessli allowed the Princess to name the suite. It was thus dubbed, the "Red Dragon Suite".

After Jordan Steingard and Elliot Hellebore got into a scuffle in the Lil' Boar Inn, which resulted in half of the tables and chairs exploding, the Risen were kicked out of the Lil' Boar Inn and asked never to come back.[2]

Weeks later, the three members of Orphan Spy Investigative Services returned to the Lil' Boar Inn, and Lessli was less than pleased. Stratton Traushaft Pipsquanchy tried to work his charms on her, but failed. Elaina, however, offered to buy out the inn for an entire 2 weeks, which was an offer that Lessli couldn't refuse. Thus, she allowed OSIS to rent the rooms for 2 weeks, but kept a close eye on them.[3]

The first night that Stratton spent back in Oakhurst, he was seduced and then robbed by a doppelganger that used Lessli as a disguise. Stratton's trinket - a chess piece made of glass - was stolen from him.[4]

Lessli continues to run the Lil' Boar Inn to this day. One year after the events of Sleeping Giants, she served the Risen as they regrouped at the sight of their first meeting, enjoying each other's company late into the night.[5]


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