Marcus Steingard

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Marcus Steingard

Marcus steingard.jpg

Ex High Priest of Skyhammer

Born 428
Died 513 (age 85)
Sex Male
Race Human
Class Paladin
Last Seen Skyhammer

Marcus Steingard was the High Priest of Skyhammer, and was grandfather to Jordan Steingard. He ruled the church for 30 years before his passing.


When Sleeping Giants began, Marcus' reign was about to come to an end, as his health had been waning for some time. Early on Jan 1, 513, Marcus passed away due to natural causes. His funeral was held the very next day, and his son, Jostan Steingard, succeeded him as High Priest.

Several weeks after Marcus' death, Lyla Hellebore stumbled upon some information that revealed that he did not, in fact, die of natural causes. Marcus was willingly sacrificed so that his life force could power the Arcane Bridge underneath Skyhammer for some time, sparing the life of dozens of others who were up for sacrifice.