Mugdul Lackman

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Mugdul Lackman

Mugdul lackman.jpg

Proprietor of Mug's Tavern

Born 471 (age 50)
Sex Male
Race Half-Orc
Last Seen Kittiwake's Edge

Mugdul Lackman is the proprietor of Mug's Tavern, the local tavern in Kittiwake's Edge.

Early Life

Mugdul has lived in Kittiwake's Edge his entire life, and his father's blacksmithing shop (Lackman's Smithing) became his tavern after his father passed away. While his father was heavily involved in town events, Mugdul has resisted all of them, including most Town Meetings. Though Mugdul expresses animosity towards town events, it is evident that he cares for the town and never has huge ambitions to leave.

Recent Events

Sleeping Giants

Jordan Steingard and Lyla Hellebore encountered Mugdul in his tavern when they first arrived in Kittiwake's Edge. He informed Lyla that her mother was looking for her, and Jordan that "The Paladin" stops by Kittiwake's Edge every few weeks but was not currently around.[1]

Mugdul was present when Eva Thomsen encountered Maximilian Steingard. He was confused by what transpired between the two, but Maximilian left him a hefty tip and thanked him for everything.[2]

Lyla Hellebore, Elaina Nile, and Ford Bertrom stopped into Mug's Tavern for lunch while they were in town briefly. Mug informed Lyla that her brother had joined some kind of organization recently, but he didn't know much else about it.[3]

Mugdul was present at Lyla's statue reveal ceremony. He was still wearing his apron and bandana, and his big orcish hands were audible over the rest of the cheering.[4]


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