Saul Emen

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Saul Emen

Saul emen.jpg

Prince of Mint City

Born 494
Died 494 (age 0)
Sex Male
Race Human
Last Seen Sulta Ixen

Saul Emen was the prince of Mint City, and thus heir to the entirety of the Sterile Sands. His betrothal to Elaina Nile was the catalyst for her running away from home. He served as the ruler of Sulta Ixen for a short time before his death.

Recent Events

Sleeping Giants

After speaking with Hector Nile, Elaina learned that Saul was installed by Vesper as the ruler of Sulta Ixen while Enil Nile was off at war. It asn't long before Hector came over from Shahz Inem, killed Saul, and usurped his power.[1]


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