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Former Steel Soldier

Born 472
Died 513 (age 41)
Sex Male
Race Human
Class Fighter
Last Seen Riverlake

Tom was a Steel Soldier and leader of the anti-rebel force in Riverlake following the Battle of the Trifecta. He was killed in action while attempting to restore order to Riverlake.

Early Life

Tom was a Steel Soldier who frequently traveled through Riverlake. Not much else was known about the man. His past became irrelevant the moment he became a Steel Soldier.

Recent Events

Sleeping Giants

While Jordan Steingard was asking around at the Riverlake Barracks, Tom walked by and overheard his conversation. The barracks receptionist, Barb, pointed Jordan to Tom for a sparring match. Seemingly having nothing better to do, Tom immediately agreed to spar with Jordan so that Mr. Steingard could "see what Riverlake is capable of".

An intense two minutes of sparring followed. During it, Jordan immediately flew into a frenzy, jumped on Tom, and began tearing his armor off. Unphased, Tom continually stabbed and slashed at Jordan, holding nothing back. After removing the armor's breastplate, Jordan punched Tom repeatedly for a few seconds before standing up and yielding. Impress by Jordan's physical prowess, he invited him to join the Steel Soldiers and asked that he return in the morning to start the paperwork. He then told Barb to ensure that the armor cannot be so easily removed in the future.[1]

After the bulk of the Vesperan army did not return from the Battle of the Trifecta, Riverlake broke down into complete anarchy. Tom was one of the few who did return from the battle, and led a self-organized group to re-establish order.[2]


During one of many fights that broke out on the streets of Riverlake, a stray Acid Arrow struck Tom in the chest, killing him. Rumor has it that he could have easily dodged the Acid Arrow, but his anti-magic Steel Soldier training was so ingrained in him that he simply stood there and took it.


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