Uljas Jokela

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Uljas Jokela

Uljas jokela.jpg

Mute Warlock

Born 458 (age 63)
Sex Male
Race Human
Class Warlock
Last Seen Uljas' Hut

Uljas Jokela is a mute Warlock of the Great Old One with the power to permit others to scry upon those who share the same blood as them.

Early Life

A very secretive man, Uljas has always kept to himself in his small abode in the wilderness surrounding Kittiwake's Edge. Not many people even know that he exists.

Recent Events

Sleeping Giants

Posing as his own messenger, Uljas met with Jordan Steingard in Kittiwake's Edge and offered to show him what he sought. Jordan agreed to follow him to his home, with Lyla Hellebore secretly in tow. After an encounter on the road with a few fiends, they arrived at Uljas' home. There, he performed a short ritual using his own blood and Jordan's in order to scry upon Maximilian Steingard.[1]

Uljas permitted Lyla to take a small amount of the liquid used in the scrying ritual. He then informed her and Jordan that he contacted them because the Great Old One asked him to. The two bid him farewell and left. Not long after, Jordan returned to Uljas' hut and requested to speak directly to the Great Old One. Uljas performed a minor ritual in order to summon forth the Old One, which was successful.[2]

After faking his death, Ford Bertrom and Shann journeyed to meet Uljas and perform the scrying ritual. Uljas did as he was asked, before seeing the duo out to the rest of their journey.[3]


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