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Kobold Clan Leader

Sex Female
Race Kobold
Last Seen Sunless Citadel

Yusdrayl was the leader the of kobold tribe located in the Sunless Citadel. She was killed in battle against the Risen.

Recent Events

Sleeping Giants

Yusdrayl agreed to allow the Risen safe passage through her territory of the Citadel, and offered a reward if they brought back Calcryx, the dragon stolen by the Durbuluk Tribe. She was also able to provide information about the people that the Risen were hired to find, and pointed the heroes in the same direction as those that previous went missing.[1]

After the release of Calcryx by the Risen, Yusdrayl became furious with them because the dragon slew several of her underlings as it escaped the Citadel. Shortly thereafter she was confronted by Stratton Traushaft Pipsquanchy, and immediately attempted to capture/kill him. Another portion of her army was destroyed in the ensuing battle, but Yusdrayl survived. She stationed several of her men on guard duty, to alert her if the group returned.[2]

After the party recuperated outside of the fortress, they returned and engaged in a bloody bottlenecked battle that resulted in all of Yusdrayl's forces being defeated, and she herself was killed by a mighty blow from Jordan Steingard's skyhammer. May she rot in all 9 of the hells.[3]


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