Sleeping Giants Game 10

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Nil's Vision

After making quick work of the hobgoblin leader and his companions, you set out to count up and distribute the post-combat rewards. You stand up after emptying the pockets of the second hobgoblin, only to realize that the entire room has grown dark, and all of your companions are completely motionless.

The violet light emanating from the circular shaft in the middle of the room grows brighter, and then begins to flicker as it follows a familiar voice, that you hear directly in your mind. “Excellent work, young one. You are making quick work of this fortress, and I always mean to reward efficiency. Tell me, which of these 3 would you prefer to see: something that was, something that is, or something that has not yet come to pass?”

After a ponderous moment, you respond. “The future.”

The room around you goes completely dark, even to your magical sight. It then brightens suddenly, and the area around you has completely changed.

You stand in a circular room, with well-polished stone walls and floors. The ceiling is a tall dome that disappears into a fog, and the entire room is lit but not a candle or torch is within sight. In the middle of the room sits a wooden table, with five seats surrounding it. Atop the table is a large map; from your vantage point you can see that it is the entire land of Dormia, and is covered in a series of differently colored symbols and runes.

Each of the five seats currently holds a person, but most of their faces are not visible, blocked out by whatever magic is providing this vision. From their body types, you would judge it to be one human woman, a dark-skinned elven man, a gnomish lady, a small cloaked figure that you cannot discern, and a gaunt, yellow-skinned humanoid the likes of which you’ve never seen before.

There is one face you can see, however. And that is the face of the dark-skinned elven man. He has the sharp features that elves are typically known for, and long white hair that flows over his shoulders and down his back. He is wearing intricately woven, dark blue robes, and has a long golden staff leaning against the table next to him.

He is mid-sentence when the scene begins, and you hear him say “…first bridge was closed, so I’ll go to investigate. Gaerzith, can you ensure-”, he is cut off by a sudden ringing noise, as if a bell is being shaken. He immediately begins looking around the room hurriedly, until he makes direct eye contact with you. He stands from his seat and clutches his staff. You hear him mutter the word, “No” and the top of the staff erupts in a blindingly bright blue light. You shield your eyes from it, and when you finally come to, you are surrounded once more by your companions, fully in motion.