Sleeping Giants Game 15

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Nil's Justice

Before you left the citadel, you had to make sure that orders were communicated properly and that the kobolds knew what to do in your absence. It is your citadel now, after all, and it won’t repair itself. You were speaking with Zelda directly, informing her that the citadel needs repairs and the Underdark access should be removed. It was then that Resk approached you, and reminded you about their one remaining prisoner: the goblin that your party forced to watch his friends and family die slowly in front of him.

It wasn’t long before the kobolds gathered to witness the coming spectacle, the din of excited barking filling the ceremony chamber. A hastily constructed pile of stones in the center of the room affixes a large wooden beam salvaged from debris from elsewhere in the citadel. Tied to the beam is the last remaining goblin, looking indignant, if a little desperate. Ordinarily, he’d take this opportunity to curse and spit at his captors, but a large ball of soiled cloth is stuffed into his mouth, gagging him. Finally Nil steps forward from the crowd, accompanied by Zelda and Resk.

“Esteemed denizens of the Sunless Citadel, I have gathered you here today, for today is a scarlet day. Today marks the day when the rightful and true heirs of this remarkable place come together and at last inherit the legacy so cruelly cast aside by lesser men.”

Most of the kobolds looked around to each other, a bit confounded; they weren’t used to such flowery pomp and were trying to work out what she was on about.

“This goblin, this thing, has befouled this fortress, your home, with its disgusting presence. The crimes the goblins have committed against you all are too numerous to name, but now the time for justice and honor to be restored is upon us.”

Nil turns to the goblin and holds out her hand.

“I sentence you to death by immolation, effective immediately.”

Flames erupt from her hand, engulfing the base of the pile. As the flames climb the wooden beam the the goblin’s flesh, his muffled cries of agony are barely heard over the elated barking and whoops from the crowd. The acrid smell of boiling fat and burnt hair fills the room. The cacophony dies down as Nil speaks once more, gesturing to the crowd.

“Rulers of the Sunless Citadel, I have pledged to be your protectorate. All who serve me will find themselves richly rewarded. All who raise sword or spell against me, our enemies, will find themselves in the same, inescapable fate as this goblin. This I promise you, for this the promise of House Nile, the heirs of Nileraxxemon!”

Sparks explode from the pyre like fireworks. Some of the sparks rearrange themselves and seem to hover in mid air, forming the crest of House Nile, a fierce red dragon. The kobolds erupt in ecstasy.