Sleeping Giants Game 24

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Nil's Gift

While you stand pondering the door, you notice a glint off to the side of the cavern, just at the edge of the torchlight. You move to investigate, and among the rubble of the wooden ramp you find a necklace. It has a silver chain with a pendant made out of deep red spinel cut into the shape of a dragon in flight.

You reach down to pick up the necklace, and as you come in contact with it the pendant glows purple. The light around you fades away such that even your magical vision cannot see through it. Then the voice speaks directly to your mind once again.

“We meet again, Young One. I hope you do not think I have forgotten you, and I hope you have not forgotten me. Those of the Stone make it difficult to exert influence within their domain. Tell me, how is it you have unlocked the secrets of the Divine?”

You inform him that you’ve been paying attention to Jordan, and taken a few pages out of his book. You also make your annoyance at the Old One’s persistence known, though it seems to pay no mind to that fact.

“Before I leave you with this gift, I wish to issue you a warning, Young One. The man who you seek, the mastermind behind this whole operation – though he may be of unsavory character, the work he does is important. The knowledge he seeks could be used to topple the most powerful organizations in the world, whether they be religions or governments. It is the latter that may be of interest to you. So good luck, Young One, and it may behoove you to tread carefully.”

With that, the purple light emitting from the necklace fades, and you turn around once more to face your comrades.