Sleeping Giants Game 26

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Jordan's Impact

The cries of the boy whose hands you just smashed echo through the cavern, until your father closes the door behind you and silences them completely. On the journey back through the tunnels, you and your father walk in silence for what must be hours. As you near the surface once more, Jostan finally speaks to you.

“The decision that you made today will have a profound effect on that boy, but you mustn’t dwell on it. You cannot allow a lack of confidence to muddy future actions. No matter what you do, no matter the choice you make, you must make it with determination, with utmost belief that it is the correct choice. There is a place for mercy, and a place for retribution, Jordan. Remember that, and do all that you can to know which is appropriate.”

“How will I know which is appropriate, father?” you replied.

“You must follow your gut, Jordan.” The two of you continue your journey, until you are outside of the tunnels for good. While you enjoyed a nice warm meal that night, however, the boy whom you left crippled and in the dark would enjoy no such luxury.

In fact, he had a difficult life from then on, the knowledge of which you were never made privy to. Little Jimmy Madsen would soon be released from his prison. Deemed unfit to serve in the mines of Skyhammer, he would be exiled from the city proper and left to fend for himself. Fortunately, a traveling merchant would stumble upon the handless boy and take pity on him. He would take Jimmy under his wing as he traveled all of Aurora, until a few years later when the merchant would grow tired of caring for the boy.

The merchant made arrangements for Jimmy to stay with a friend of his in Trabem, one of the capital cities of Aurora. This friend was a professor at the Arcane University of Trabem, and he lost his own son several years prior to a terrible accident. He was more than happy to raise Jimmy as his own, and teach him all the ways of Science, Math, and the Arcane.

What he didn’t plan on was Jimmy discovering his dark secret – a treasure trove of knowledge on the art of Necromancy. Quickly realizing that this could lead to him gaining the upper hand in life, he began experimenting. And reading. And researching.

And eventually, all of this work led him right back where he started: to the city of Skyhammer. He toiled secretly underground, making connections in and around the city to fuel not only his research but his revenge as well. Months had passed, followed by years, and he went undetected by the authorities the entire time. At a certain point, however, his operation grew a little too large and Skyhammer finally took notice…

And that brings us to now.