Sleeping Giants Game 30

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Nil's Reminder

On your journey from Skyhammer to Oakhurst, Ford approaches you with information regarding your new identity. As he hands you a new sheet with all of the appropriate information on it, time quickly slows to a stop and everything around you goes gray. You let out a knowing sigh as a purple plume of smoke appears in front of you, and begins speaking directly into your mind.

“We meet again, Young One. How is your journey going?” the Great Old One asks, to which you telepathically respond “It’s going… well. How can I help you?”

“Well”, the Old One pauses briefly as if thinking through its next statements. “I would be lying if I said I was not concerned. You see, we made a bargain. I offer you certain gifts, and in exchange you were to keep an eye on the child in your group, a child which it seems is no longer accompanying you.”

“Ah, yes, of course,” your mind races to find a response. “All good leaders are experts in delegation, and I have done just that – delegated that responsibility to a very capable individual.”

“And who might this individual be, I wonder?” the Old One asks, ponderously.

You hesitate to give the information out, for Lyla is someone you care about. “Why are you so interested in Lyla, anyway?”

The being is silent for a moment, as it chooses its words carefully. “Let’s just say that this Lyla has made friends in high places, friends whose motives don’t exactly line up with my own.”

“And what are your motives?” you ask bluntly.

“Balance,” it responds. “Balance of all things – magical, natural, physical, spiritual. You see, I cannot maintain a physical presence on your plane of existence. That is why I approached you initially – to be my physical presence, and to watch over the child. So I ask you again, who is this individual that is watching over the child currently?”

You think for a moment, processing everything that the being just told you, before telling it the truth. “Jordan Steingard, of Skyhammer.”

“Interesting. Thank you, Young One. We will be in touch again soon.”

“Wait! Before you go… is there some way for me to contact you for once?”

“Indeed there is. You have the telepathic gift, simply focus it as strongly as you can, and I shall detect it and appear to you.”

With that, the purple smoke disappears and color returns to the world around you. Time slowly picks back up, and your good friend Ford finally finishes blinking.