Sleeping Giants Game 36

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Horatio's Childhood Home

You find yourself walking down the familiar path of rough pavers that leads to your old home. Memories of your past come swelling up as you near your old abode. You continue along, up the steep hillside that you used to slide down during winter. You hear no laughter now, however. You see no smiling faces as you once did.

You turn the final bend, but instead of the large and slightly dilapidated manor of your youth, you see only overgrown rubble. Time seems to slow down as your investigative instincts kick in. You begin to narrow in on details, of which 3 stand out more than anything else:

  1. Some of the rubble is less overgrown.
  2. Some bits of wood are nestled in the tall grass.
  3. A reddish brown object lies in the grass nearby.

You immediately move to the rubble, where you discover that some sort of activity occurred here recently, probably 2 months ago. Someone was rummaging through the rubble. You look a bit closer and see boot prints in the dirt. Boot prints that match your own.

Afterward, you investigate the bits of woods. They are charred on the ends. Fire must have caused all this destruction. Judging from the amount of moss on the wood, it was about a year ago that it happened.

Finally, you move to the reddish brown object. It is rust, entirely covering a metal box with a small door that has completely disconnected from it. You recognize the box. It was a safe that Lady Raine, the caretaker, kept in her personal chambers. A safe which, try as you might, you never were able to gain access to. The safe has a false back that is unopened. You lift it to find some still-hidden treasure inside. It is a silver-chained necklace with a pendant made out of deep red spinel cut into the shape of a dragon in flight. You estimate the worth to be about 1,000 gold.

Not far from the safe, the glint of metal catches your eye. You walk over to inspect it and find that the metal is the blade of a sword, broken in half. This is the bottom half, but it has no hilt. Judging from its position, it was ejected from the safe when the safe was discarded. Whoever opened the safe didn’t care about it enough to keep it. Putting two and two together, you pull from your belongings the sword hilt that you have held on to all these years. The bottom half of the blade snaps into it perfectly.

You spend a bit more time investigating the area, but find nothing else of note. Finally, you decide to leave, after bidding farewell to the place you once called home.