Sleeping Giants Game 36

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A Letter Received

The sun is setting on the sprawling city of Sulta Ixen, but the city still teems with life and trading. Every spot in the harbor is full, with a line of ships anchored outside of the city, waiting to gain entrance.

In the Palace of the High Sultan, towering over the rest of the city, the magical fires erupt in their wall sconces, giving off a tremendous amount of both heat and light. It's as if nighttime is not even falling within the palace's walls.

A man can be seen rushing down one of the halls of the palace, carrying in his hand a scroll case. Its contents are unknown. He reaches the end of the hallway where two large dragonborn are standing, clad from head to toe in glistening red and yellow armor. The man kneels before the imposing figures and hands them the scroll case. One of them takes it then waves him away.

On the other side of the door is the High Sultan himself, Enil Nile. He sits on his balcony, overseeing the city, when the scroll case is handed to him by one of his dragonborn guards. He opens it, and pulls from it a letter. It is written in his native tongue, Draconic, which is odd enough to catch him by surprise.

Enil reads through the letter silently as the dragonborn stands next to him, staring off into the distance. When he gets to the end, his heart skips a beat. "Who delivered this letter?" he asks the guard in their native language.

"An Auroran Messenger," the dragonborn responds.

Enil pauses for a few moments, his face growing red. "First they kidnap her," he says, still in Draconic. "And then they force her to write this letter." The High Sultan stands from his seat and walks inside, over to his desk. He places the letter down. "Send word to Hector and Riverlake. Tell them they are moving too slowly. Then ready the troops, we leave at sunrise."

The dragonborn leaves the room immediately.