Sleeping Giants Game 49

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Lyla's Call

With a single verbal component, you cast teleport to ferry yourself and your teammates to safety. You are instantly transported to a place you are familiar with, but have not been able to spend much time in.

You are suspended in an endless sea of silver. In the distance, you can spot little pinpoints of light popping into existence, almost like stars in the night sky. Among the pinpoints of light, you can see wisps of white and gray streaking between them. You glance around, and can see erratic whirlpools of color flickering in midair, like spinning coins.

You take it all in for a moment, but do not dally for long. You mentally reach back into the material plane and begin plucking your friends, one by one, from where they are to where they are going. Jordan first, just to be sure. Followed by Stratton and Nil, who seem to really like Hector, but you’ll deal with that later. And finally Horatio, who has seemed more lethargic than usual lately.

You’re about to finalize the teleport yourself, when a sudden blast of light fills your view. A force pushes you backward a bit, and you see a brilliant white ray directly in front of you, extending infinitely into the horizon in 2 direction. It pulsates with energy, morphing and changing in front of you while the core remains steady. You can just feel an insane amount of arcane energy being thrown off from this thing.

You pause for a moment, and the beam remains steady. It’s close enough that you could simply reach out and touch it, or you can finalize your teleport and rejoin your friends. Pondering the strange beam for a bit, you have the sudden realization that this is The Call. It is shooting through the Astral Plane in an attempt to reach the Material Plane and awaken the Tarrasques.

Determined to stop it, you reach out and grab hold of the beam, attempting to yank it in two. As soon as you touch it, you feel an immediate surge of magical energy explode through your body. You tense up as every one of your muscles contracts, and you feel like your skin is on fire. You want to open your mouth to scream in agony, but you can’t even do that.

Your mind begins to race with visions. One after another, and you can’t even make most of them out. You see a giant rock at the bottom of the sea, then too many quick images to process. A huge round structure covered in moss and vines sits on a mountaintop. Another barrage of visions. A gargantuan, scaled monster lies curled up in an impossibly large cave.

Your skin continues to burn and your muscles tighten even more. And that’s when you lose consciousness.

You wake up an undetermined amount of time later, with Jordan standing over top you and a ring of Skyhammer paladins surrounding you both. A stone’s throw away is the remains of the Teleportation Tower of Skyhammer, which is now a still-smoking ruin. You’re unsure of what is happening, but Jordan helps you up and away from the crowd of Thalosians.