Dormian Mysteries Game 2

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The group makes their way through Fistandia's mansion.


Recap notes, by Nina

  • Raphy stops banging on the door!
  • The book cover of the book Clack is holding is identical to the book on extradimensional space on Matreus's desk
  • We exit the room and check out the room nextdoor - it contains a battered wooden mannequin, weapon racks (staves and daggers), the entire room is bathed in indigo light from the window. The floor is stained and scorched. There is a broom hovering in the air, sweeping, in the center of the room. It's moving around slowly.
  • Stefon walks in to look out the window. Just more purple!
  • Raphy investigates another room down the hall. The doors in the building are ironbound oak with brass fixtures. The mansion is lit by oil lamps. The style is luxorious but not over the top or showy.
  • Raphy enters the room. Tall shelves full of books. In the middle of the room, two more shelves filled with books. Several stacks of books piled high throughout the room. Reading desks and chairs.
  • Raphy looks through the books, looking for more letter clues. He sees one and reaches for it. As he reaches, the entire bookshelf starts to fall towards him. He jumps out of the way!
  • The books in the stacks rise up to form a SWARM OF BOOKS!
  • Lyn checks out another room. Door is ajar - smells like cooking inside. She looks in and sees a kitchen. Two small winged creatures are flapping through the room, preparing food. Another cat is there too!
  • Lyn walks in and asks what's for lunch. The creatures are taken aback - seems excited to see her. "Welcome!" Carrot stew for lunch. They are friendly.
  • They're named Coriander and Cumin!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Lyn tells them her name is Rosemary. They welcome her to lunch but ask what she's doing here.
  • Then - a loud crash. (Raphy's predicament)
  • Clack runs to aid Raphy. He throws his dagger at the book swarm but it misses.
  • The Swarm attacks Raphy and hits him.
  • Raphy disengages, stealing the book and exiting the room.
  • Clack shoots the Swarm with an arrow and slams the door shut.
  • Stefon is eating grapes. :) They are his Thinking Grapes.
  • Lots of spells were cast in this room - testing out magic.
  • Clack returns to Stefon's room and takes one of the daggers that are hanging on the weapon rack. Stefon exits.
  • Lyn checks out a pantry in the kitchen. Then she walks back to the hallway and lets everyone know, 10 min til lunch.
  • Raphy opens a door that exits onto a patio.
  • Stefon starts to go to the Book Swarm door - Clack and Raphy warn him. Clack mimics the swarm's sounds while flapping the book he's holding at Stefon.
  • Stefon is going in anyway. He investigates a jeweled letter opener.
  • Raphy and Lyn go upstairs. There is a suit of armor with a sword. Above, there's a trap door that would lead into an attic.
  • Raphy opens it with Thorn Whip spell, but there is no ladder. It's completely dark up there.
  • They go into another room, a lab.
  • Back in the room with Stefon and Clack, the books attack again.
  • We fight the books, slay 'em. Clack takes one of the books, "Animal Kin".
  • Raphy and Lyn explore a magical observatory
  • Stefon and Clack explore the plant-laden patio on the east side. Little fairy dragons in the plants are teasing them, shooting pink puffs of smoke that seems to cause some kind of delirium. Stefon gets hit and enters a sort of stupor. Clack remains unaffected and investigates the dragon. Grabs one with his hands and clamps its snout shut.
  • Raphy and Lyn investigate a trophy room. Swords fly off the wall towards our heroes!
  • They fight the swords!
  • Back on the patio, the fairy dragons continue to evade us. We run!
  • Decide to have lunch. The whole party enters the dining room and gets attacked by a flying chair - a mimic.
  • We all fight diligently! Clack's arrow finishes it and sit down to lunch.