Sleeping Giants Game 22

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Simon's Destination

We see a canopy of trees underneath us, stretching off in all directions as far as our vision permits. Directly in front of us, miles off, is a gargantuan tree that stands much taller than any of the others.

We look downward, as we begin sinking through the canopy. A lush forest resides below us, and nestled cozily inside of it are a few small stone huts, with tall roofs seemingly made of dirt and grass. A few animals graze and play on the outskirts of this village, and smoke rising from several chimneys indicates some kind of higher life form as well.

The calm that rests over the village is suddenly disturbed, however, as a rumble can be heard, slowly getting louder. The grazing animals disappear into the surrounding forest in an instant, and a semi-transparent, clearly magical horse bursts through the brush in a full gallop toward the village. On its back is a human figure, wearing a hooded cloak with the unmistakable symbol of Skyhammer embroidered on it.

As the rider approaches the village, the horse below it begins to fade from existence. It disappears completely as it reaches the door of one of the huts, and the cloaked man readjusts his weight to land on his feet before knocking loudly on the door.

Inside of the hut, we see someone already approaching the door. He is a tall man, probably in his mid-30s, and looking a bit worse for wear. On the wall next to him are a warhammer and shield, both exquisitely crafted and laced with gold. The shield proudly bears the symbol of Skyhammer and emanates a dim blue light.

He reaches the door as the knocking subsides, and pulls it open. The hooded man enters immediately, his blue cape flowing around him. Confused, the tall man closes the door and turns. “I thought we weren’t meeting for another 3 weeks,” he says.

“Max, we have a problem.” the hooded figure reaches up and pulls down his hood, turning to the man. And it is then that we finally recognize the friendly, yet currently very tired, face of Simon Range, Bishop of Skyhammer.