Benedicht the Half Elf

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Benedicht the Half-Elf


Prisoner of Fort Eaveton

Born 483 (age 38)
Sex Male
Race Half-Elf
Class Bard
Last Seen Fort Nile

Benedicht the Half-Elf was the leader of the Cirque deLirium during the events of Sleeping Giants. After Stratton Traushaft Pipsquanchy rescued Bigby, it was discovered that Benedicht conspired to put Bigby in prison so he could lead the Cirque. Soon after, Stratton embarrassed Benedicht in front of a packed theater, then imprisoned him in Fort Eaveton.

Early Life

Benedicht began as a simple member of the Cirque deLirium. During Stratton's tenure with the Cirque, he and Benedicht rose to fame as a very talented and very entertaining duo. Shortly after Stratton left the Cirque, Benedicht replaced Bigby as its leader.

Recent Events

Sleeping Giants

While dining out in Skyhammer one day, Stratton noticed Benedicht from afar and attempted to trail him. The attempt was not very discreet, and the two ended up encountering each other face-to-face. Benedicht informed Stratton that the Cirque would be in Skyhammer some time in the next few weeks, and he would hate it if anything bad happened during one of Stratton's solo performances.[1]

While he was in town, Athanatos approached Benedicht about putting on a private show for specific members of the Skyhammer clergy. He was hesitant at first, but once he realized it would greatly annoy Stratton, he agreed to it.[2]

Still leading the Cirque after the Three Wishes had gone off, Benedicht was paid a visit while performing in front of a huge audience outside of Fort Nile. Stratton appeared, unexpected, on stage next to Benedicht as he was mid performance. He immediately launched into a performance of his own, quickly outshining Benedicht and embarrassing him in front of the rest of the Cirque and the entire audience. Soon after, Misha and Bigby joined Stratton on stage, and put on a wonderful show that was met with thunderous applause.

Caught completely off guard, Benedicht was easily captured by the trio and shipped off to Fort Eaveton, Vesper's highest security prison. Years later, rumor has it that he still has recurring nightmares that all involve Stratton in one way or another.[3]


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