Geurion Nikodemus

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Geurion Nikodemus

Geurion nikodemus.jpg

Leader of The Mages

Born -209 (age 730)
Sex Male
Race Drow Elf
Class Wizard
Last Seen Sunless Citadel

Geurion Nikodemus is the leader of The Mages.

Early Life

Originally residing in the Underdark, Geurion was closest to the Tarrasque when it last emerged. His town and family were one of the first to be destroyed, and he narrowly escaped byusing the small amount of magic he knew at the time. He then devoted his life to protecting against the Tarrasque, and sought out the other Mages to assist.

When he was originally escaping the Tarrasque, he stumbled upon the Gulthias Tree in the Sunless Citadel and studied it to learn how it was funneling the arcane. He was one of the lead purchasers of the Blue Ore from Skyhammer for a while, working through his proxy Michael Winters.