Jaha Zephyrinius

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Jaha Zephyrinius

Jaha zephyrinius.jpg

Teacher of Sulta Ixen

Born 441 (age 80)
Sex Male
Race Human
Class Sorcerer
Last Seen Sulta Ixen

Jaha Zephyrinius is a teacher in Sulta Ixen, best known for teaching and heavily influencing Empress Elaina Nile as a child. There are rumors that he still serves as one of her personal advisors.

Early Life

Originally a soldier in the war against Vesper, Jaha survived the onslaught and stayed hidden for a while. He quietly emerged several years later and served as a teacher in Sulta Ixen, where he taught Princess Elaina Nile. He was a good and helpful teacher, but always had anti-Vesper undertones during his lessons. Some of these undertones rubbed off on his students.

Recent Events

Sleeping Giants

Jaha was imprisoned in a cell underneath Fort Eaveton for the majority of Sleeping Giants. In order to rescue him, the Risen went toe-to-toe with a Steel Soldier. It was an extraction combat, and resulted in Jaha being liberated successfully.[1]

Upon awakening in a Tiny Hut with Nil, Jaha informed her of a secret passage that lead directly into the heart of the Sulta Ixen palace. He then parted ways, traveling into Sulta Ixen proper in order to rest up and regain his strength.[2]

At the conclusion of Sleeping Giants, Jaha was reinstated as a teacher at his old school. He was offered a promotion to become an administrator of the school, but he declined so he could continue to work with the students directly. Rumor has it that Empress Nil often speaks with Jaha before making important decisions.[3]


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