Lizzy Timbers

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Lizzy Timbers

Lizzy timbers.jpg

Cardinal of Skyhammer

Born 438 (age 83)
Sex Female
Race Gnome
Class Cleric
Last Seen Skyhammer

Lizzy Timbers is a Cardinal of Skyhammer and a close advisor to the current High Priest, Jordan Steingard. She is also a top expert of Restorative Divine Magic in the church.

Recent Events

Sleeping Giants

Lizzy was responsible for the regrowth of Jordan Steingard's hand, which was simultaneously imbued with divine energy due to the presence of such strong magic within Skyhammer.[1]

After Jostan Steingard's disappearance, Lizzy acted as High Priest for Skyhammer until she resurrected Jordan Steingard, who then took over as official High Priest. She then took a seat by his side, serving as one of his close advisors.[2]


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