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Special Agent of the DGA

Sex Male
Race Kobold
Last Seen Underdark

Meepo is a Special Agent of the Dragonlands Guerilla Army. He was last seen taming Calcryx before mysteriously disappearing in a flash of light.

Early Life

Meepo was the Keeper of Dragons for his kobold clan, residing in the Sunless Citadel. When the Durbuluk Tribe kidnapped Calcryx, Meepo was willing to do almost anything to get her back. Thus, he allied with the Risen during the events of Sleeping Giants.

Recent Events

Sleeping Giants

Meepo agreed to join the Risen and assist in any way possible if it meant retrieving his most prized possession, the dragon Calcryx.[1] Unfortunately, in so retrieving Meepo's most prized possession, he met an untimely end by the dragon's ice cold breath. Despite his apparent "death", no body was ever recovered.[2]

Later, when Ford Bertrom confronted the Marchand d'Esclaves in the Daryen Forest, Meepo appeared from nowhere and helped him escape a life of slavery. Not recognizing Ford, as he had switched identifies, Meepo reintroduced himself as a Special Agent from another land, and did not know why or how he was transported. It happened during a fight with some mages on a cliffside. Ford agreed to let Meepo accompany him on the remainder of his journey.[3]

Eventually, Ford came clean to Meepo, telling him who he actually was. Meepo was a bit surprised, and inquired about the fate of Calcryx, telling Ford that he believed the dragon to be his ticket home.[4]

When Elaina Nile arrived at Fort Nile with Meepo in tow, they heard directly from Snyfnest about the Icy Death. Meepo informed Elaina that he would be sticking around to investigate said Icy Death rather than accompanying her further.[5]

When Snygnest and his svirfneblin returned from their adventure in the Underdark, they reported that they successfully located the Icy Death, and Meepo subdued and then mounted it. The two of them then disappeared in a flash of light, and have not been seen since.[6]


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