Sleeping Giants Game 23

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Ford's Misstep

As you exit the meeting area, you realize that the trash pile that Nouzrog called home reminded you of somewhere. The smell, it triggers a memory of one of your jobs…

You are back in the desert city of Shahz Inem, once again. This time, you are a few days from finishing your task for General Hector. You collected plenty of info from surrounding towns, and even went as far as Sulta Ixen to get what you needed. All that remained was crossing some T’s and dotting some I’s.

Unfortunately, in the process of crossing some of those T’s, you ran afoul of the local authorities. You were able to narrowly escape being captured outright, but now they are giving chase. You are running from 3 guards, and soon a fourth joins in to nip at you with his spear. You keep your distance from them, so skillfully that you even have time to stop and toss a coin to a beggar along the way.

After about 30 seconds of running, you spot a hidden entrance to a back alley up ahead. It is somewhat concealed by a large stack of boxes. It could be the perfect hiding spot to lose your pursuers for good.

You duck into the alley and disappear into the shadows. A few moments later the three guards can be seen rushing past you, and you wait a while longer until they are completely gone. Finally, you have some time to catch your breath.

And that’s when the stench hits you. You’ve crept through a lot of back alleys in the past, but they never quite smelled like this. Someone, or rather, some thing must have recently defiled the ground on which you stand. That’s not the mystery you were hired to solve, however, so you didn’t pay much mind to it at the time.

If you had, you may have realized that you stepped directly in The Butterfly Poop. And over the next 48 hours, it would solidify and fall off, leaving the perfect bootprint inside General Hector’s office. This in turn tipped him off that you were snooping where you didn’t belong, leading him to attempt to “dispose” of you in a follow-up mission. When that failed and instead the princess of Sulta Ixen went missing, Hector was forced to pin it on the one piece of evidence that he had. Thus the Fecal Bandit was born, identifiable only by the tread of his boot. The tread of your boot.