Sleeping Giants Game 4

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Nil's Meeting

It’s been about an hour. The writing on the wall hit you like a ton of bricks. A wave of fatigue came over you suddenly, and you had to excuse yourself from the rest of the group. You’ve been relaxing at the top of the fissure, catching your breath and thinking through the implications of your discovery. The fresh air has helped you to feel better, until you notice… the wind, where’d it go? It was pretty regular when you first got up here, but now it’s completely stopped.

You shake your head free from thought to focus on your surroundings. Something is off, but you’re not quite sure what. Things seem unnaturally still. The wind isn’t blowing, the trees aren’t swaying, the leaves aren’t moving. You go to push off the ground to investigate, only to find that your entire body is paralyzed from the neck down. Panic starts to come over you. Is this permanent? What the heck is going on?!

Just as you’re about to freak out for good, a small whirling tornado of smoke appears not 5 feet in front of you. The space all around you grows darks, and a deep purple light emits from the smoke as a low, rumbling voice emanates from it.

“Greetings, young one. You’ve followed the signs, and now you are here. Some may regard this fortress as the birthplace of your people. Others simply refer to it as the Sunless Citadel. Whatever its name, it acts as the gathering place for you six now. And it is here I have awaited you.”

At this point, the rumbling accompanying the voice has completely subsided, and you realize the words are being transmitted directly to your brain. This strange being is speaking to you telepathically. You notice that the world around you has grown completely dark, and you can see nothing else but the swirling smoke in front of you.

“I bring you a gift, young one. The gift of telepathy, should you so choose. In return, I ask only that you keep a watchful eye on your new companions. And pay particular attention to the child, for there is much more to her and her story than even she realizes. What say you?”

After a moment of hesitation, you give your answer. “…yes.”

The darkness surrounding you and the smoke disappears, and the smoke itself quickly dissipates. You find yourself in a room you’ve never seen before, but all of your companions are here. An ornate fountain is built into one wall, cracked and stained but the carving of a diving dragon retains its beauty. On the opposite wall stands a relief-carved stone door. Your companions are completely frozen for a moment, but they slowly start moving again, speeding up until they are finally moving at full speed. You look down at your hands and feet, which you have full control over once more. You hear the being’s voice echo in your mind one last time.



Recap notes, by Laura

"DAY 2 (continued)"

  • Starting off without any spells - all were expended today
  • Game starts again with Nil being communicated with telepathically - was told this gift was in trade for watching the companions - especially Lyla, who is powerful/important in ways even she doesn't understand... then once she agreed, she was transported to the room with the rest of the companions. Nil was bestowed as level 2 Warlock.
  • I explain to Nil what's happened so far and give her the 3 silver pieces.
  • We're all again in the room with the magic fountain and the magic doorway with inscriptions "let there be fire", "rebuke the dead, open the way"
  • Nil casts prestidigitation to create fire in the fountain, but it doesn't do anything.
  • Meepo runs his hands along a carving in the fountain basic near inscription and says it looks familiar
  • Nil reads it in draconic and reddic liquid starts to fill the basin of the fountain
  • Lyla casts detect magic and it's more conjuration magic
  • Jordan dips his finger in the liquid and tastes it.
    • He determines that there's enough for a single potion of fire breathing.
  • Ana takes her waterskin and fills it with the fire breathing potion.
  • Jordan reminds us we may need a holy person to get further in this room.
  • We decide to continue past the room through a hallway. The hallway has 6 doors, 3 on either side.
  • Lyla tries a door that looks like a lot of fur and rags - a vest of sorts - Stratton looks in, sees this and slowly closes the door saying - there's probably a bunch of rats in here.
  • Jordan continued down the hallway to another room with another fountain with an overarching diving dragon carved in it
  • Jordan is attacked by a 4 foot rat (R.O.U.S.)
  • Rats come out of a bunch of doors
  • I give Ford bardic inspiration since he's in the midst of a lot of rats (2/3 for the day)
  • I shot a rat with an arrow (-1 arrow = 19 arrows)
  • We kill all the rats that came to attack us
  • We cross the 10 foot pit 'blocking' the entrance to the room with the fountain
  • Nil reads the inscription on the fountain 'let there be death'
  • We all take poison damage
    • Nil and Stratton both roll very low - 9 poison damage for 10 mins
    • Meepo falls unconscious and so does Boop-a-Groot
    • Jordan heals them both, but they're still unconscious
  • Nil investigates the dragon statue/carving and identifies it as being a red dragon
  • I cast 'Friends' cantrip on Nil to get her to tell Stratton what the inscription says in common - she transmits this telepathically ("Let there be death") then the Friends spell ends after 1 minute and Nil gets angry at Stratton for casting the spell and punches him in the face, with possible worse issues to come on later.
  • Lyla tries to figure out how the dragon trap fountain works without much luck


  • We fully heal, can do this again in 24 hours
    • I get all spells and cantrips back!!!

DAY 3 - 2:00 AM

  • During long rest, I make a clockwork toy mouse
  • When we wake, Lyla uses Mage Hand to open the other door across from the other 10 foot pit in the room and Jordan throws a torch down it to get a better view.
  • We can see a 25'x20' room - an oppressive smell suffuses the air to show a particularly large nest that is getting set on fire by the torch
  • Ford jumps the 10 foot pit and into the room which is starting to be set aflame - Jordan joins soon after
  • As soon as FORD enters, gigantic rats attack him
  • One rate is huge and looks diseases
  • I cast dissonant whispers (leaving 2/3 spells this day) and then cast bardic inspiration to Jordan (2/3 left today)
  • FORD had gone down and had to make a death saving throw, but Jordan jumped into the room and healed him by 10 HP, saving Ford (Jordan picks him up and says "You're not done yet")
  • Ana attacks the enormous rat and hits very well
  • Nil attacks the gigantic rat with fire damage (max damage)
  • Jordan attacks one of the smaller rats in the small room and kills it immediately with one stab from his short sword
  • I use a vicious mockery "Yo's mama's so fat, she takes up more tiles than Blimpy the Giant King" leaving it at 1HP
  • Ana finishes the gigantic rat off by breaking its neck
  • I shoot an arrow into the combat, it misses
  • Ford kills one of the other rats in the room (one left)
  • Ana finishes off the remaining rat with her short bow
  • They (Jordan and Ford) stomp out the fire and start to search the room and investigate the human remains in the room (Jordan discovers a half-elf man)
  • 312 silver is found in the room, 68 gold, 3 gems (each worth 25 gold)
  • The half-elf had studded leather armor, 5 daggers, long bow, backpack, 6 arrows, a pouch with 17 gold, and a ring on his finger with "Karakas" engraved in common on it
  • Ana knows that Karakas was a half-elf ranger that lived in this area
  • Split evenly: We each get 27 gold & 52 silver each
  • Ana and I split up the arrows - 3 each
  • Ana takes the 5 extra daggers
  • Ford took the ring
  • Ana took the waterskin to replace the one she put the potion in
  • There were burn remains of a note, but it was too burnt to figure out what it said
  • We all gain 100 experience points
  • I have 2/3 spells left today and 2/3 bardic inspiration
  • Still have full health
  • We end in the same room @ 2:30 AM
  • We take a short rest and I use song of rest
  • +1 inspiration for Stratton for having insults on hand
  • +1 inspiration for Jordan and Ford for jumping into the flaming rooms
  • Use a ration for the day - down to 4