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Trabem is a city on Aurora. It was a member of the Trifecta. It is home to the Arcane University of Trabem, the premier arcane school in the known world.

Arcane Font

Before the Unsealing, Trabem was built around a Conjuration Arcane Font. This was represented by a giant green beam that shot into the sky at the center of the city. All conjuration magic was enhanced around the beam, and has a tremendous impact on Trabem itself. Some of the more notable effects were:

  • Buildings are made of rare & exotic materials, because they could simply be conjured.
  • No roads exist in Trabem, as teleportation was readily available.
  • The city is immaculately clean, thanks in large part to conjured servants.
  • Farming is unnecessary, because food & water could be conjured for the masses.
  • Buildingless doors abound, leading to various pocket dimensions.


Access to Trabem requires papers stating official business, just like all Trifecta cities. This is perhaps most important in Trabem, because one must be trained on its navigation before being allowed in. There are no roads in Trabem, and the city itself is maze-like because often there will be several doors that all seem to enter a single building but actually enter different pocket dimensions.

The main entrance to Trabem lies on its western side, close to the coast. On its southern side is a minor gate, outside of which is a food bank that hands out fresh food to any who approach. There is a seemingly endless supply of this food, as it is perpetually summoned. Both of the entrances are guarded by well-armored humans with summoned creatures by their sides.

Arcane University

Travem is home to the world's leading Arcane University, known aptly as the Arcane University of Trabem. It sits at the center of the city, and the spire of green that shot into the sky used to cut right through the middle of the University. Higher levels of classes were closer to the beam, with freshmen and the like closer to the edges.