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The Icy Death

Born 510 (age 11)
Sex Female
Race Dragon
Last Seen Underdark

Calcryx is a white dragon, the origin of which is unknown. She was first discovered in the Sunless Citadel, and was later mounted by Meepo before disappearing in a flash of light. Her moniker, "The Icy Death", was given to her by the Svirfneblin that live outside of the Citadel.

Recent Events

Sleeping Giants

Calcryx was first encountered in the Sunless Citadel, where the kobold clan was keeping her well-fed and protected before the Durbuluk tribe stole her. The goblins kept her chained up in a small trophy room. When the heroes journeyed through the Citadel, they released Calcryx from her imprisonment. Thanks to Nil's smooth talking, Calcryx was on peaceful terms with the party.[1]

At the end of the events of Sleeping Giants, Snygnest and his svirfneblin accompanied Meepo on an adventure into the Underdark, in hopes of finding Calcryx, as she was Meepo's ticket home (or so he claimed). A week later, the svirfneblin returned to the Sunless Citadel, reporting that Meepo mounted Calcryx and both of them disappeared in a flash of light.[2]


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