Eva Thomsen

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Eva Thomsen

Eva thomsen.jpg

Cardinal of Skyhammer

Born 471
Died 513 (age 42)
Sex Female
Race Human
Class Paladin
Last Seen Kittiwake's Edge

Eva Thomsen was a Cardinal of Skyhammer and member of the Hellraiders. She was killed by Athanatos while attempting to pass judgment on Maximilian Steingard for actively working against the Church.

Early Life

Eva was born in the Sterile Sands, the third child to Khev Thomsen, a Head Guard for the River of Refinement. She received all of the training for the River, but once she became an adult she left and sailed for Skyhammer. Her physical prowess made her an extremely valuable asset for the Church, and she was able to rely on it to climb to the highest of ranks.

Recent Events

Sleeping Giants

After the "Hands-On Approach" mission, Jordan Steingard returned to Skyhammer with James Madsen in tow. Eva showed up and took James into her own custody.[1] Later, Jordan approached Eva in private and inquired about the rumors that she is something called a "Hellraider". She confirmed his suspcions, and he informed her that he feels the calling of the battlefield continuously. After some back and forth, Eva asked Jordan if he felt ready to go on a Hellraid of his own, which he agreed to. She informed him that she would be in touch.[2]

After some interrogation, Eva learned that James was studying the arcane directly underneath Skyhammer.[3]

During Jordan's visions with Uljas Jokela, Eva was seen reporting to Jostan Steingard that James had somehow escaped.[4]

Eva was present at the Massacre of Paladin's Retreat, in which she was the leader of the small contingent of Skyhammer troops sent to destroy the settlement.[5]

Eva caught up to Max Steingard in Kittiwake's Edge, after a short back and forth she took him to a back alley and sentenced him to die. As she was performing the execution, however, Athanatos appeared from the shadows and killed Eva.


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