Hector Nile

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Hector Nile

Hector nile.jpg

Ex-General of Shahz Inem

Born 470 (age 51)
Sex Male
Race Human
Last Seen Sulta Ixen

General Hector Nile is the ex-General of Shahz Inem, and is currently MIA. At the end of Sleeping Giants, the Risen magically charmed Hector and told him to leave. Thus, he was not present at the Arcane Controller when it exploded, leaving his fate a mystery.

Early Life

Lord Primo's younger brother, Hector always had a knack for military strategy. Much to his dismay, however, he was born too late to really put it to use. For the majority of his tenure as General of Shahz Inem, there hadn't been any large-scale wars until the Upheaval Wars. Thus, he was mostly relegated to minor tasks and general housekeeping for most of his career. During the reign of Vesper, he valued the traditional authority of Sulta Ixen and felt that the sultan and his family were the rightful rulers.

Recent Events

Sleeping Giants

When Elaina Nile and Lyla Hellebore infiltrated the Sulta Ixen Palace, they discovered that Hector had assumed command of the city in Enil Nile's absence (by first killing Saul Emen, who was initially left in charge). Elaina was furious, but quickled calmed when she was informed that her and Hector had similar goals for Sulta Ixen - liberation.

Hector's plan was to destroy the Arcane Controller located underneath Sulta Ixen and then strike at Vesper. Hector believed that destroying the Controller would also destroy all Arcane Bridges in the world, eliminating their use in directing magic. This would make the Steel Soldiers - at the time, Sulta Ixen's biggest threat - useless. Sorcerers would once again become beacons of arcane power. In order to destroy the Controller, however, he first needed to find the remaining pieces of Rexmort, the legendary sword with killed Nileraxxemon in the first place. At the time of their meeting, Hector possessed only 1/3rd of the sword.

Elaina informed Hector that destroy the Controller would also awaken the Tarrasque and bring ruin to the entirety of the world. This did not dissuade Hector, who believed that when the might of the Sorcerer Kings was restored, nothing would be able to stand in their way.[1]

After the Risen stole the third and final piece of Rexmort from the Vault of Sulta Ixen, they melded the sword back together by placing it in the door near the Arcane controller. Seated on the other side of the door was Hector himself, who was very interested in recovering the sword from the party so that the Arcane Controller could be destroyed. After a short spar between Hector and the group, followed by a quick debate, Hector demanded that the group hand over the sword. His words created a magical enchantment on Stratton Traushaft Pipsquanchy and Elaina, who sided with him and wanted to hand the sword over. Jordan Steingard held onto the sword, however. Hector went to retrieve his weapon, in order to take Rexmort back by force, but by the time he returned to the group, Lyla had teleported everybody away.[2]

Shortly after uttering the First Wish, the Risen teleported back to the Arcane Controller's location, as a means of escaping the collapse of Stir Peak. They encountered Hector once more, but used magic to remove him from the cavern. He was thus not present when the Third Wish occurred, which caused the Controller to explode and kill everyone in the cavern. Hector has not been heard from since.[3]


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