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Ex-Shar Cultist Mercenary

Born 377 (age 144)
Sex Male
Race Human
Last Seen Kittiwake's Edge

George is a clerk in Winter's General Store of Kittiwake's Edge. During the events of Sleeping Giants, he briefly served as a mercenary for Maximilian Steingard and James Madsen.

Early Life

Originally from the town of Kittiwake's Edge, George led a simple life until a man calling himself "The Paladin" passed through town and offered him a much higher-paying gig. George tok the offer, which landed him in the caves surrounding Skyhammer. He was a hired guard.

Recent Events

Sleeping Giants

Before long, George engaged in comabt with the Risen. He was ultimately defeated, but soon resuscitated, given a large sum of 20 gold pieces as well as several trail rations, and then sent on his way with the understanding that he would tell no one what happened.[1]

Shortly after arriving at Kittiwake's Edge, Jordan Steingard sought out and discovered George working in Winters' General Store. George was immediately on edge, but after speaking with Jordan for a bit he calmed down. He informed Jordan that "The Paladin" came to Kittiwake's Edge from somewhere in the forest, but George does not know his exact whereabouts as he had never been there. Jordan paid him another hefty sum and went on his way.[2]

George was present in Kittiwake's Edge for Lyla Hellebore's statue unveiling. He looked solemn, but clapped along with the rest of the crowd anyway.[3]


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