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Svirfneblin Leader

Sex Male
Race Svirfneblin
Last Seen Fort Nile

Snygnest is the leader of the svirfneblin village of Deeprock and close ally to Sulta Ixen.

Early Life

Snygnest was born and raised in Deeprock, which sits on the outer edge of the ancient Underdark ruins of Ched Nasad. He was the leader of the miners of Deeprock, but after tragedy struck the village he became the de facto leader of the remaining peoples, which numbered in the dozens. They fled from what they referred to as "The Icy Death", seeking shelter in the nearby Sunless Citadel.

Recent Events

Sleeping Giants

Upon Elaina Nile's arrival back at Fort Nile, she was officially introduced to Snygnest. She agreed to let him and his fellow svirfneblin stay at the Fort, so long as they pulled their weight. Naturally, they agreed. Snygnest gave Elaina a token of his people's appreciation - a small pouch containing several valuable gems, one of which was magical.[1]

Snygnest and his svirfneblin accompanied Meepo as he delved into the Underdark, looking for Calcryx. A week later, the svirfneblin returned, reporting that Meepo mounted the white dragon and the two vanished in a flash of light. With the treat of the Ice Death gone, the svirfneblin returned to their homeland, but remain close allies with the kobolds of Fort Nile.[2]


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