Sleeping Giants Game 6

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The Risen fend off several more Durbuluk goblins and free Calcryx from her prison - but not before losing Meepo to Calcryx's icy breath. Ford gains telepathic powers, Lyla receives a spellbook gift from the Archfey, and Jordan gains access to the undead door previously un-openable.


Ford's Prize

The stench and dinginess of this place reminds you of your last job. Not of the job itself, which was a simple recon mission. Nor of the night before you left town, when you stumbled upon the newest member of your group. But rather, a rainy evening between the two.

You were walking back to the inn that you and Nil were staying in, carefully moving to avoid stepping in puddles, when you heard a scuffle coming from up ahead. You look up just in time to see a man dressed head to toe in leather armor, bursting from a nearby alley. As he bolts past you, you can hear the chainmail of guards rattling from inside the alleyway itself. They are clearly in hot pursuit.

“Hey, you!” you hear the man yell out from behind you, barely audible over the raindrops. You turn to look at him and he has stopped, but is clearly poised to take off at any second. Your instincts kick in as you analyze every facet of the man. Stained leather armor, several years old. One dagger visible, one hidden on his upper right arm. New boots, custom made, probably the most expensive thing he has on him. Another dagger hidden in his left boot. Brown eyes, brown hair, unshaven. You’d place him at 25 years old, and only a little over 5 feet. Thief kit on his left side, several pouches on his right.

“Tell those chumps I went this way, will ya?” he says again, motioning to an alleyway right behind him. His hands move quickly as he launches a small pouch toward you, the sound of clinking metal coming from within. You catch it deftly, and look back up at the man. He winks, turns, and hightails it down a different alley altogether.

A few beats later, and the so-called ‘chumps’ come rushing around the corner. With no sign of the man in sight, they call out to you, the closest bystander. “You there! Have you seen a man come running through this area?”

You’re no snitch, and you point the guards down the wrong alley. They immediately take off in that direction. You step back against the building behind you, taking some reprieve from the rain to investigate the contents of the pouch. You spill them out into your hand and count 1, 2, 3 golden coins and… what’s this? One of the coins is much darker than the others, and stamped with a sign you’ve never seen before. A closer inspection, and a long sniff, brings you to the realization that this coin isn’t made of metal at all. It’s actually a small, hardened coin made entirely out of, what you can only assume to be human, poop.


Recap notes, by Laura

"DAY 3 ~ 3:00 AM"

  • OPENS WITH: Flashback memory for FORD
  • . . . . . . .
  • FORD has telepathy apparently now
  • Lyla - special warlock book appears in Lyla's hands
  • Current have 1/3 bardic inspiration
  • Spell slots of Level 1: 2/4 left, Level 2: 2/2 left
  • Opens with Nil & Meepo opening door to dragon's room
  • Nil sees dragon - dragon's cool, but dragon sees Meepo and starts to freak out
  • Nil casts Minor illusion to make the door look as if it is still there and closed (even though it isn't)
  • ...Meanwhile... FORD enters the hall - Jordan hears something and also enters the hall - he sees the door to appear both open, yet closed. He goes to it to investigate it and reaches to the knob of the "closed" door. He realizes it's an illusion and can see the dragon on the other side.
  • I cast Disguise Self and turn into Meepo (lasts one hour). I drop the goblin prisoner off to Nil and Ford and walk over by the door the dragon is "behind" and hide behind a pillar for partial cover and wave/gesture to Meepo. Meepo looks confused.
  • Ana walks into the hall - sees the same strange doors - open and closed - but now also sees two Meepos.
  • DRAGON: moves up towards the door which Jordan is still standing at. Sniffs it, but looks confused and backs away from it back into the room.
  • Lyla walks up, but for some reason there are 4 of her all of a sudden.
  • Meepo. Looks confused at his mirror image. But seems to know we are doing something strange, looks back at the door and then turns to Jordan and says, "We need to get the dragon!"
  • Nil and Ford both delay turns to zero.
  • Jordan tries to figure out what to do, but isn't sure so asks Nil for help.
  • Stratton takes the torch from Jordan and after poking the door to realize it wasn't real, roll the torch through the door and cast Pyrotechnics - FIREWORKS - but since Stratton didn't do it far enough, Stratton blinds himself until the end of his next turn.
  • Spells: 1/4 1st level, 1/2 2nd level
  • Ana: Closes the REAL door, then turns as if to say "What the fuck? Guys???"
  • Ford drags the grappled goblin to the door to try to toss the goblin.
  • Ford foils the dex save to close the door, but isn't able to do so before the dragon shoots ice breath at us. The door shields Stratton and Ana.
  • Ford saves, Jordan saves, Meepo fails.
  • Meepo takes 13 damage and is DEAD.
  • Nil moves up and telepathies to Jordan that she will try to persuade the dragon with draconic to calm down. Shouts through the closed door.
  • Stratton/Meepo2 hides behind the pillar again after seeing real Meepo get split in half by the dragon's ice breath.
  • Nil asks again in draconic to the dragon through the door to ask for a sign of whether it'll attack us or not.
  • Lyla walks behind Nil and asks what is going on.
  • Jordan backs up to both Lyla and Nil and suggests that we leave
  • Stratton joins this group and says yeah, maybe we should just go
  • Ana moves to a place mid-hall and finds a spot between pillars with a clear shot of the door.
  • Dragon tries to get through door and doesn't work
  • As the dragon attacks the door, two other doors down the hall open and two goblins pop out of each
  • They surround Ford who is closest, or 3 do - then one goes for Ana.
  • Ford gets hit and drops (no more HP)
  • Nil telepathies to Jordan (something?) and casts Dissonant Whispers - 14 psychic damage - its brain explodes - one goblin down
  • Stratton fires at one, but misses with shortbow
  • Ana shoots with her short bow to deal 6 damage and finish off another goblin
  • Dragon tries to get through door again, but fails.
  • Goblins see Stratton looking like Meepo and attack Stratton and Jordan, but both miss
  • Nil hits with firebolt for 10 damage
  • Lyla casts Poison Spray and kills the goblin that Nil just hit
  • Jordan heals Ford for 3 HPs (he had failed 2 saving throws)
  • Stratton shoots an arrow at the last remaining goblin, but only deals 2 damage
  • Ana shoots another arrow at this goblin and does 9 damage
  • Goblin is still up, but decides to run
  • Dragon tries to get out of door again, but fails, but the door isn't looking too good
  • All of the doors are starting to have sound - except at the end of the hall
  • Ford gets up. He runs after the escaped goblin. He fires of an arrow - rolls a nat 20. Goblin dies instantly. He bonus action dashes back into the hall and lands just ahead of the dragon door in the hall.
  • Nil shouts in common - "Guys run this way" then moves into the hall a bit to cast Minor Illusion to make it sound like a bunch of goblins fighting a dragon and losing/dying
  • Lyla (all 4 of her) run from the hall and follow Nil behind the far door
  • Jordan tells everyone to leave and goes to stand next to the door everyone is trying to leave out of
  • Stratton casts Pyrotechnics again, but for smoke to obscure the exit and yells to Ana and Ford who will be affected to run for the same door everyone is going out of and runs to the door with a smoke bomb behind him
  • Ana casts Thaumaturgy to create tremors in a 30 foot radius to help in the idea that things behind those doors don't want to enter the room. Ana then runs for the door
  • Ford is still in the room near the dragon door
  • Dragon bursts through the door, but no one can see it because of the smoke. The dragon walks through the door, but walks past Ford
  • He turns and looks at Nil and says in Draconic, "Thank you" and LEAVES through the smoke
  • Ford hears commotion from the other side of the hall that commotion was coming from before, but now it's the commotion of someone probably boarding up the room
  • Ana gets Boop-a-groot
  • Ford figures out where the dragon went because high perception
  • Stratton searches the room the dragon was in (rolled a 19) - found:
    • Dragon-shaped jade figure (20 gp)
    • Crystal goblet (5 gp)
    • 24 pieces of silverware (1 gp each)
    • Small scroll case made of bone - closed - says something in dwarvish: "Khundrukar" - it's a proper noun, not a word
  • I walk back out to the hall and asked everyone if they knew what the case or scroll mean?
  • Nil and Lyla: Magnamont - knew this was a mountain rangey type area in Vesper
  • Lyla: Khundrakar: an ancient dwarven stronghold that has since fallen into ruin. No longer held by dwarves
  • I give the scroll and case to Lyla
  • The others ask if I found anything else - I tell them I found just 12 silverware pieces (not the full 24 or any of the other objects)

At this time: ~3:05am

  • I have 1/4 1st level spells, used both (2/2) 2nd level spells and have 1/3 bardic inspiration to give
  • Jordan says he thinks he knows how to open the door, the undead door, in the room with the fountain that gave us the fire breath potion
  • We all return to that room and take a short rest (at this time I tinker a firestarter and play song of rest)
  • Jordan casts Channel Divinity - the door turns ghastly blue and opens silently
  • Room 30'x20' - 5 dusty sarcophogi altar with dragons carved in black obsidian. There is one lit candle and on the altar is a small whistle and a crystal flask. Inside the sarcophogi open, the 5 skeletons pop up and theirs eyes light up red.
  • Jordan casts Divine Sense


  • I have full HP (26)
  • Next to no spells left - just 1/4 1st level before another long rest
  • It's 4:05 AM on January 5th
  • 200 exp points -> 1100 points
  • Nil and Ford get an inspiration
  • Stratton no longer looks like Meepo