Sanura Atem

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Sanura Atem

Sanura atem.jpg

Arcane Researcher

Born 489 (age 32)
Sex Female
Race Human
Class Wizard
Last Seen Stir Peak

Sanura Atem is an Arcane Researcher currently stationed at Stir Peak, actively researching the large white orb where the volcano once was.

Early Life

Sanura, who typically prefers the name "Sara", is a member of the nobility of the city of Shahz Inem. Fed up with the life of a female noble, Sanura ran away from home in her early 20s and spent a long time traveling Aurora in secret. She used her connections to find out about and get connected with James Madsen. After talking with James at length, she became intrigued in the research he was doing and wanted to assist in any way she could. Because of her status and wealth, James immediately installed her as his #2.

Recent Events

Sleeping Giants

Ford Bertrom and Elaina Nile encountered Sanura during the "Hands-On Approach" mission when they split from the rest of the party. She informed them that she ran away from home because there was nothing there for her, and she was interested in helping James with his research. When pushed on what the research is, she told them that they were investigating Arcane Bridges, which are areas where the Arcane Weave enters into the Material Plane.[1]

Ford returned to Sanura after completing the "Hands-On Approach" mission to inform her that her boss, James, was in Skyhammer custody and she should really get out of dodge ASAP. Distraught, she thanked him for the information and told him she would like to continue the research, and would seek out "The Paladin" in order to do so. As a parting gift, she gave him several gemstones and potions that were like to "weigh her down anyway."[2]

After the miles-wide white dome appears where Stir Peak used to be, Sanura collected a small research team and set up an encampment on its western side to study the strange entity.[3]


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