Yelena Sillson

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Yelena Sillson

Yelena sillson.jpg

Arcane Research Freelancer

Born 487 (age 34)
Sex Female
Race Human
Class Wizard
Last Seen Trifecta

Yelena Sillson is an freelance arcane researcher, who has worked with the likes of James Madsen and Sanura Atem.

Recent Events

Sleeping Giants

Yelena ran into the Risen while escaping from "an experiment gone wrong" in the Skyhammer caverns. A small army of skeletons was following close behind her, and as soon as the party engaged with them, Yelena took off as fast as her magical feet could take her.[1]

While in the Trifecta, Ford Bertrom tracked down Yelena and asked what she had been up to. She mentioned that she just started a new job with a woman named Evangeliza Lavain, doing work that she was not at liberty to discuss.[2]


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