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Shar Cultist Mercenary

Born 479 (age 42)
Sex Male
Race Human
Last Seen Skyhammer

Sam is a farmer who lives in Lullin and was tortured by the Risen during the events of Sleeping Giants.

Early Life

A farmer from the village of Lullin, outside of Skyhammer, Sam and his wife worked hard to raise 3 children while selling their crops to those along the Skyhammer market road. When Sam's wife passed away due to illness, he struggled to make enough money for the family, until James Madsen came along and offered him a high-paying mercenary job. Sam had no choice but to accept, and before long he encountered the Risen.

Recent Events

Sleeping Giants

The Risen defeated Sam in battle, at which point he surrendered. The Risen then proceeded to torture him by killing him and resurrecting him multiple times. Once they finished torturing him, they gave him 20 gold pieces and set him free.[1]


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