Perry Clawsun

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Perry Clawsun

Perry clawsun.jpg

Professor of Conjuration

Born 457 (age 64)
Sex Male
Race Human
Class Wizard
Last Seen Trabem

Perry Clawsun is a long-standing professor of Conjuration at the Arcane University of Trabem.

Early Life

Perry has been teaching as the Arcane University of Trabem since he graduated from it at 24 years old. He is widely regarded as one of the most learned individuals when it comes to Conjuration magic.

Recent Events

Sleeping Giants

Elaina Nile and Ford Bertrom, with Athier Khalid and Meepo in tow, located and met Professor Perry in his office. They asked about Ark Pets, and he informed them of 2 people he knew to possess an Ark Pet IV, which is the golden Ark Pet: King Simon of Vesper and Michael Winters of Kittiwake's Edge. There were supposedly more that existed in the world.

When asked about the possible reward for collecting the Ark Pets, Perry stated that he did not know what it was or where it was. There was a single potential clue that he filled them in on, which was that "Ark Pets I", written on the bottom of each copper Ark Pet, was an anagram for "Keraptis", the creator of the Ark Pets. Keraptis did love a good riddle.[1]


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