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Location Northern Coast of Aurora
Population 300 (Avowed)
Government Meritocracy
Language(s) Common
Major Religion Oghma, Deneir, Gond

Candlekeep is a massive library-fortress located in northern Aurora. It is said to house more books than the rest of Dormia combined. It was once a part of Trabem, residing in a pocket dimension. After the Unsealing it was ejected from the pocket dimension into the material plane, which is where it now resides.

Candlekeep houses hundreds of Avowed, whom serve the Seekers(outsiders) and assist by finding and bringing them their desired books.

Entrance into Candlekeep requires 1 book that the library does not already possess. A gathering of Avowed stands guard at the Gatehouse of Candlekeep at all times, to verify that presented books are unique and worthy of granting entrance.

Recent Events

Dormian Mysteries

The heroes gathered at Candlekeep to seek out Matreous for assistance with the curse on Stafyli. This resulted in them discovering the Joy of Extradimensional Spaces and using it to enter Fistandia's mansion.[1]


Candlekeep map.jpg

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