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Skyhammer Scout

Born 477
Died 513 (age 36)
Sex Female
Race Human
Class Ranger
Last Seen Stir Peak

Elysande was a mid-ranking scout for Skyhammer who played a pivotal role in discovering James Madsen's hideout underneath Skyhammer. She was killed in action when a fight between a Beholder and the Risen broke out in the tunnels underneath Stir Peak.

Early Life

Elysande was a scout for Skyhammer, and ranged the land constantly for potential threats.

Recent Events

Sleeping Giants

Elysande was responsible for locating the first cultist site in the mountain surrounding Skyhammer. When the Risen arrived to relieve her, she gave them all the info she had, including a note that she found, and went on her way. Before leaving, however, she noticed that Elaina Nile had an Ark Pet sticking out of her backpack. She informed Elaina that there are a series of Ark Pets located in the world, and if anyone can find all 5 different types they can supposedly unlock a very valuable treasure.[1]

Later, Elaina inquired about more information on the Ark Pets from Elysande. She gave Elaina the locations of an Ark Pet II and an Ark Pet III. After seeing that Elysande already owned the first 3 Ark Pet types, Elaina asked if she would be willing to part with them if Elaina found the fabled vault. Elysande said that if Elaina finds it, they can speak, but Skyhammer would have to take a cut of the prize.[2]

Elysande was present at the Massacre of Paladin's Retreat, in which she scouted the settlement after the massacre to determine if there were any survivors. She discovered that Maximilian Steingard was not present during the massacre, and had left Paladin's Retreat about a week prior. She did, however, discover Simon Range's dead body and returned his burnt and useless spellbook to Eva Thomsen.[3]

Together with Viggo Eshton, Elysande discovered the scene of Eva Thomsen's murder. She was unable to piece together exactly what went down, but was sure that Maximilian had help from someone else. However, upon seeing the Sulta Ixen fleet arriving in Kittiwake's Edge, Elysande realized that Maximilian was not their top priority any longer.[4]

Elaina Nile and Ford Bertrom stopped into Elysande's apartment, hoping to get the remaining Ark Pets which they had not yet acquired. Elysande was present, and after a short exchange she offered to give the Ark Pets to the group, under the agreement that Skyhammer would get a share of Karaptis' treasure. She would also accompany the group. They agree, and together the Risen and Elysande all wind walked to Stir Peak.

After resting for a night in Stir Peak, the group entered into the area of Keraptis' vault. A battle ensued with a Beholder, during which Elysande was struck by an eye ray, flung into a nearby wall at an extreme speed, and killed instantly.[5]


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