Sasha Timbers

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Sasha Timbers

Sasha timbers.jpg

Blessed Artisan of Skyhammer

Born 486 (age 35)
Sex Female
Race Gnome
Last Seen Skyhammer

Sasha Timbers is a Blessed Artisan in Skyhammer. She primarily focuses on tailoring, but is proficient in jewelry and cobbling as well. She is Erki Timbers' sister and Lizzy Timbers' daughter.

Recent Events

Sleeping Giants

After a dazzling display in front of all of Skyhammer, Stratton Traushaft Pipsquanchy hooked up with Sasha without realizing that she was a Timbers.[1]

During dinner with Sasha, Stratton noticed Benedicht the Half Elf passing by and had to postpone dinner in order to engage with him.[2]


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